Numerical study of the tidal waves in the Gulf of Tonkin
摘要: 利用普林斯顿海洋模式(POM08)建立了北部湾及其临近海区潮汐潮流数值模式,模拟了K1,O1,M2和S2这4个主要分潮,分析了模拟的潮汐和潮流分布特征,从潮波能量的角度讨论了琼州海峡对北部湾潮波系统的影响,并给出北部湾潮能的耗散情况。研究表明,北部湾是典型的全日潮海区,K1和O1分潮在南部湾口形成半个旋转潮波系统,无潮点位于越南顺安附近岸边。琼州海峡中的欧拉潮汐余流为西向流,潮余流造成的水通量约为0.034×106m3/s;余流出海峡西口后,先折向北,然后转向南流出湾外。研究海区中两个强潮流区分别位于琼州海峡和海南岛的西侧,同时这也是两个潮能的高耗散区。北部湾的潮能自南部湾口由外海传入,通过西口涌入琼州海峡,到达海峡东口时日潮波的能量已基本耗散殆尽,在海峡内耗散的4个分潮的潮能约为3.33 GW,相当于北部湾潮能耗散量的35%左右。数值试验表明,琼州海峡作为潮能耗散的重要海区,其存在对于北部湾潮波系统的形成具有较大影响。计算了底边界潮能耗散,结果表明在北部湾和琼州海峡,底边界耗散的潮能分别占该海区总耗散的83%和80%。Abstract: A high resolution numerical model for the tides and tidal currents in the Gulf of Tonkin (GT, also known as Beibu Gulf) and its adjacent waters is developed on the basis of Princeton Ocean Model (POM08),and is used to numerically simulate the four principal tidal constituents, K1, O1, M2 and S2. The main tidal characteristics are presented in detail, followed by an analysis of the influences of Qiongzhou Strait (QzS) on the tidal wave system in the GT from the point of tidal energy dissipation.Diurnal tides are dominant in the GT.For either K1 or O1 constituent, there is a half rotary tidal system near the southern mouth of GT, with the amphidromic points located almost on the coast near Thuan An, Vietnam.The residual current is westward in the QzS, resulting in a water volume transport of 0.034 Sv; after flowing out of the western mouth of QzS, it first turns northward and then southward, forming a anticlockwise curve in the GT.Strong tidal currents are found in two regions: the QzS and the waters off the west coast of Hainan Island, where the tidal energy dissipation rates are the highest in the modal domain.The tidal motion in the GT is maintained by the energy flux from the South China Sea through the southern mouth of the GT.Tidal energy fluxes into the QzS from the western mouth, and nearly all the energy of diurnal tides dissipates away within the strait.The energy dissipation of the four constituents amounts to 3.33 GW in the QzS, accounting for 35% of that consumed in the GT, though the area of QzS is only 2% of that of the GT.The Qiongzhou Strait, as an important area of energy dissipation, plays a significant role in the formation of the tidal waves in the GT.Calculation shows that the bottom boundary dissipation of tidal energy accounts for 83% and 80% of the total dissipation in the GT and QzS, respectively.
Key words:
- tide /
- tidal current /
- Gulf of Tonkin (Beibu Gulf) /
- numerical simulation /
- Qiongzhou Strait /
- tidal energy
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