Temporal and spatial distribution of Miichthys miiuy in Jiangsu coastal waters
摘要: 根据2006—2007年4个季度拖网专项调查数据,以鮸为目标种,以机轮底拖网禁渔区线内侧及毗邻海域为目标区域,对鮸资源时空分布特征进行分析,并探讨形成机制,结果表明:(1)江苏海域的鮸主要分布于34°00'N以南海域,主产卵区位于辐射沙脊群海域及周边近岸海域,春季为主要产卵期;(2)江苏省中南部海域为鮸早期幼体的过渡性索饵场所,幼鱼群体随时间推移呈逐步分散趋势;(3)鮸在江苏海域的栖息时间为春、夏、秋3个季节,冬季呈零星分布;(4)海底地形地貌、潮汐和海流类型、辐射沙脊群等特征要素是影响区域生物生态的重要Abstract: Based on the bottom trawl surveys in four seasons from 2006 to 2007,the temporal and spatial distribution of Miichthys miiuy resources was explored in the area inside bottom-trawl fishing forbidden zone line of Jiangsu sea area and the near zone. The results show that: (1) Miichthys miiuy is mainly distributed in the south of 34 00'N in Jiangsu sea area,and its main spawning area is located in the radiating sand ridges and the surrounding coastal waters during the spring spawning period; (2) the southern central sea area in Jiangsu Province is the transitional feeding ground for Miichthys miiuy in early development stages, there is a gradually decreased tendency of the juvenile groups in the zone; (3) Miichthys miiuy is mainly distributed in Jiangsu sea area in spring, summer and autumn, while it is seldom distributed in winter; (4) seafloor topography and physiognomy, tidal and current type and radiating sand ridge are important factors influencing the regional ecology which should be concerned.
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