A preliminary study on rapid deposition bodies in the Zhujiang Delta since Holocene
摘要: 根据珠江三角洲代表性钻孔资料以及PRD-LTMM长周期"动力-沉积-形态"模型分析了珠江三角洲形成发育过程中的快速沉积现象,提出了珠江三角洲快速沉积体的概念,并且对典型快速沉积体的成因进行了初步分析。快速沉积体有明确的沉积环境和特定的沉积动力成因,沉积速率为每年厘米级,研究它可以深入地揭示珠江三角洲基本沉积单元的形成过程,为探索珠江三角洲的形成、发育机制打下基础。初步发现的快速沉积体有古汇潮点快速沉积体、古涨潮射流快速沉积体和台地周边快速沉积体。研究结果表明,快速沉积体的形成多与特定的地形边界条件下形成的中、小尺度动力结构有关,具有高度的时空变化。掌握珠江三角洲地形边界的特点、变化过程及其作用下的中、小尺度动力结构是研究珠江三角洲快速沉积体的关键。Abstract: Based on the typical bore holes of the Zhujiang Delta and the long-term morphodynamic model PRD-LTMM, rapid deposition body (RDB) is examined. The RDB is defined, and the formations of typical RDBs in the Zhujiang Delta are analyzed initially. The RDBs hold the specific sedimentary environment and particular sedimentary dynamics with the annual deposition rate of centimeters; so, the research on the RDBs can help disclose the mechanism of the basic sedimentary units in the Zhujiang Delta, providing a basis for the study of mechanism of the Zhujiang Delta evolution. The initially discovered RDBs include depositions at the paleo-tide convergent flow and the paleo-flood tidal jet, fringing deposition around the palco-terrance. A study result shows that the formation of RDBs, with being highly variable in time and space, is related to the small- to medium-scale dynamic structures under particular morphologic boundaries. Understanding the morphologic boundary,its evolution process and medium- to small-scale dynamic structures under corresponding morphologic boundaries in the Zhujiang Delta is key to the research of the RDBs.
Key words:
- Zhujiang Delta /
- morphologic boundary /
- rapid deposition body /
- mechanism
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