Observation on silver-staining nucleoli in different ploidies of large yellow croakers(Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson)
摘要: 用银染法对不同倍性(单倍体、正常二倍体、正常三倍体、雌核发育二倍体、雌核发育鱼子代三倍体)大黄鱼胚胎、仔鱼或成鱼的不同组织进行细胞核仁数目观察计数。结果表明,大黄鱼各种倍性个体细胞核仁数目与染色体倍性之间有良好的对应关系,且核仁数随个体倍性的增加而增加;非诱导雌核发育的大黄鱼细胞核仁众数与染色体组数相等(二倍体为2,三倍体为3),而人工诱导雌核发育大黄鱼及其子代细胞核仁众数却比其相同倍性的非雌核发育鱼少1(雌核发育二倍体为1,雌核发育三倍体为2)。雌核发育鱼核仁数减少是一个非常有趣的现象,值得进一步研究。大黄鱼不同发育阶段(胚胎、仔鱼、成鱼)以及同一个体不同组织(鳃、肾、鳍)的细胞核仁数目(众数)相同。因此,借助核仁银染法可以快速、可靠、简便地进行染色体倍性鉴定。而雌核发育鱼核仁数减少的机理值得进一步研究。Abstract: Using Ag-staining technique, the nucleoli in interphase cells from different developmental stages (embryo, larva or adult) of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson) were observed and counted, which were in different ploidy levels, including haploid, normal diploid, triploid, gynogenesis diploid and triploid whose mother were gynogenesis diploid. The maximum numbers of nucleoli kept even in the same ploidy samples at different developing stages (embryo, larva or adult), as well as in different tissues(gill, kidney, fin) in any individuals. The maximum numbers of nucleoli of non-gynogenesis fishes (normal diploid and triploid) were 2 and 3 respectively. But it was interesting that the maximum number of the nucleoli from gynogenesis fishes ( gynogenesis diploid with 1 and gynogenesis triploid with 2) were one fewer than that of the non-gynogenesis fishes with the same ploidy level, and this phenomona would be deserved deep investigation. The results indicated that the numbers of nucleoli within cells at different ploidy fishes were highly correlated with their ploidy level. Therefore, as a simple and accurate method,silver-staining nucleoli counting could be widely used to identify the ploidy level in fish.
Key words:
- Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson /
- ploidy /
- nucleoli number /
- silver-staining
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