The research on marine multidimensional data warehouse construction
摘要: 空间数据仓库的数据集成能力以及对复杂数据分析、高层决策的支持可为异质异构海洋数据的集成和综合应用提供方法论。以海洋多维数据仓库构建为目标,对维、维层次、海洋多维数据模型等概念进行了形式化描述和定义,并且以海洋渔业主题分析为例,对渔业生产的事实、维度、维层次及维层次关系进行识别。针对时空维的复杂度,以折衷的混合多维数据模型结构对海洋多维数据仓库进行构建。Abstract: Spatial data warehouse has the ability to integrate the heterogeneous marine data, and gives the support of complex data analyis and high-level decision-making. In order to construct such a marine multidimensional data warehouse, the definitions of these concepts were offered, such as a dimension, a dimension hierarchy, a marine multidimensional data model. Taking a marine fishery theme as an example,fishery facts,the dimension,the dimension hierarchy, and the relationship between the dimension hierarchies were identified. Considering the complexity of spatial-temporal dimension, the marine multidimensional data warehouse was constructed using compromise hybrid data model structure.
Key words:
- data warehouse /
- multidimensional database /
- marine fishery /
- hybrid data model
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