Formation analysis of maximum value in vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen in the Cold Water Mass of the western Southern Huanghai Sea
摘要: 重点分析了南黄海冷水域西部溶解氧(DO)垂直分布中的最大值现象,并对DO浓度与主要环境因子的相关性进行了研究.结果表明:DO垂直分布最大值现象是调查海域DO分布的显著特征,且与SCM现象相伴生;DO垂直分布的最大值深度和量值具有较为明显的区域差异;温、盐是DO最大值层以上水体中氧含量的主要控制因素;一定强度的温跃层形成之后,DO最大值层出现在跃层的下界附近,且其氧含量受控于跃层厚度和生物化学作用,并与跃层厚度呈正相关;底层较低的DO含量是底层水及沉积物中有机物分解耗氧的结果.同时,还成功解释了DO最大值处与次表层叶绿素最大值层位置不吻合且量值不相关的原因,并提出了"DO净积累效应"的观点,不仅从时间跨度以及动态的角度上对DO最大值的形成机制进行了分析,而且从理论上探讨了DO最大值层氧含量(或来源)的构成,指出自DO最大值层开始产生至观测之时该层之下、真光层以内水体中的生物化学作用(或Chl-a总产出)才与氧最大值密切相关.总体来看,水体层化和生物化学作用明显影响着夏季南黄海冷水域西部DO的垂直分布.Abstract: Based on the data of dissolved oxygen(DO) collected from Southern Huanghai Sea investigation during July,2006,this paper focused on an analysis of the maximum value phenomenon of DO vertical distribution in the Cold Water Mass of the western Southern Huanghai Sea,and the relationship of DO concent ration between the main environmental factors was also studied.The results showed that the maximum value phenomenon was the dominant feature of DO vertical distribution in the Cold Water Mass of the western Southern Huanghai Sea,which was also accom panied with SCM;The depth and value of the DO maximum had obvious regional differences;The temperature and salinity was the main controlling factors of DO in the water volume above DO maximum layer;After the form ation of the therm ocline with a certain streng th,the DO maximum layer appeared in the vicinity of the lower bound of the therm ocline,DO maximun value was contr olled by the thickness of the thermo cline and the biochemical activity,besides,the study also found that the thickness of the therm ocline layer and the DO maximum value were positively correlated;DO concentration was low in bottom water,which was caused by the decomposition of organic matter.Simult aneously,successfully giving the explaination that the location was not match and the value was not related of the DO maximum layer and the subsur face chlor ophyll maximum layer,in addition,a perspective named "DO net cumulative effect" was put forward,not only the formation mechanism of DO maximum value was analyzed from time scale and dynamic angle,but also the constitution of DO value or source in the DO maximum layer was discussed theoretically,and pointing that since the beginning of DO maximum layer to the time of observation,the biochemical activity(or Ch-latotal output) in the water volume under the DO maximum layer and in the euphotic zone was closely related to the DO maximum value.Overall,The water column stratification and biochemistry significantly affected the vertical distribution of DO in the Cold Water Mass of the western Southern Huang hai Sea in summer.
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