The preliminary analysis of the lightning characteristics and the relationship between lightning and intensity of tropical cyclone in northwest Pacific
摘要: 使用TRMM卫星搭载的闪电成像传感器测得的1998-2005年间的闪电信息,结合热带气旋的活动特征,提出了一种识别热带气旋闪电的方法,进而分离了1998-2005年西北太平洋热带气旋的闪电信息,并在此基础上,对西北太平洋的热带气旋闪电特征进行了初步分析.结果表明:西北太平洋热带气旋的眼壁附近(距热带气旋中心约30~50km)、内雨带(热带气旋中心外约60~100km)和外雨带(热带气旋中心外约130~610km)内普遍存在闪电现象,而且各月均有发生,并以7-8月较频;我国东南沿海地区,特别是台湾岛-台湾海峡-福建沿海地区、珠江三角洲的近海海域,是最易发生热带气旋闪电的两个区域,而日本岛东南方向广阔的西北太平洋洋面上的热带气旋,则较少有闪电发生.此外,闪电与热带气旋的强度及其变化有一定的关系,利用发生在热带气旋不同区域的闪电信息可对热带气旋的强度进行估算,估算的误差与目前的业务定强误差接近.Abstract: Based on the lightning data explored by the lightning imaging sensor carrying on TRMM during 1998-2005,combined with the characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC),a method to identify the TC's lightning has established.On this basis,this study separated and obtained the lightning information of TC in the northwest Pacific during 1998-2005,and the characteristics of TC's lightning were analyzed.The results show that(1) in Northwest Pacific,the lightning phenomenon are widespread in the TC's out side rain bands(away from TC center about 130-610 km),inside rain bands(away from TC center about 60-100 km) and near the eye wall(away from TC center about 30-50 km).The TC's lightning can occurred in each month,but more frequent in July to August.(2) Two regions are most prone to the TC's lightning occurred,one is the Taiwan Island-the Taiwan Strait-the coastal areas of Fijian Province,and other is the coastal area of the Zhujiang River Delta.And the vastsea area south-east erly of Japanese Island,while less TC's lightning occurred.(3) In addition,TC's lightning and its intensity have a certain relationship,and based on the relationship between lightning and intensity,the information of lightning occurring in different regions of TC can using to estimate the TC's intensity and its change.The error is closed with the current operational.
Key words:
- tropical cyclone /
- lightning /
- identify /
- intensity
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