Sediment movement and the effect of wind to sediment transport near Xiaoqing River Estuary
摘要: 根据对莱州湾内小清河口附近海域的海流、含沙量、底质类型分布的观测资料,并结合数值模型的计算结果,分析了该海域的泥沙输运趋势及底床冲淤变化情况。从整个海区来看,含沙量总体趋势为由岸向海逐渐增大,并呈现出北高南低的分布特点,在小清河入海口东北方向海域有一含沙量高值区;底质泥沙的分布沿纵向等深线显示了自岸向海由粗到细的分布规律,沿横向呈北细南粗的特征;浅滩泥沙局部搬运是泥沙淤积的主要来源,河口北侧海域有一较大侵蚀区,淤积区主要分布在河槽以南的滩涂和近岸区域,风场对该海域泥沙输运影响非常显著,小清河河口附近区域在一般天气下海水较清,如遇海向大风,则水体浑黄,但风后悬沙很快沉降,水体又变清。利用数值计算的方法研究了风场对该海域的影响,其影响大约是无风时平均值的10倍。Abstract: Based on the observation data of current velocity, sediment concentration, grainsize and combining the result of simulation, to analyse the trend of sediment transport and erosion and deposition of the bed.In the whole research region, the sediment concent ration increases gradually from the seashore to the of fshore area.The north is higher than the south, and the north-east of estuary is highest; The grain size of bed reduces gradually from the seashore to the off shore area, and the north is lower than the south; The decharge sediment of convey is the most source deposition, and the bigger erosion region in the south of riverway and seashore.The wind has prominent effect on sediment transport in this region: the sea water is clearing eneral whether, but it change turbid in the big wind whether.The sediment deposit rapidlyafter wind, and the sea water changes clear again.The simulation result shows the sediment concentration is 9 mul tiple bigger in wind than no wind.
Key words:
- Xiaoqing River Estuary /
- sediment concentration /
- sediment transport /
- numerical simulation /
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