Assessment of dissolved trace metals in nearshore area of Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay with gray cluster method
摘要: 通过2007年秋季航次我国近海海洋环境的综合调查,研究了长江口与杭州湾海域表层海水中重金属汞、砷、铜、铅、锌、镉、总铬的含量与分布,利用灰色聚类法对海水中的重金属元素进行评价。参照《国家海水水质标准GB3097-1997》,通过灰类白化权函数确定海水水质分级界限及各参评指标对不同等级的聚类权,构建了海水中重金属的灰色聚类法综合评价模型。该模型能够较客观、合理地评价海水中的重金属。评价结果表明,长江口与杭州湾海域表层海水中的重金属总体情况良好,但是汞、铅含量偏高,尤其是汞。长江口外以北、杭州湾北岸口外及舟山群岛邻近海域的海水水质相对较差,陆源排污为主要影响因子。Abstract: Based on the China's offshore investigation and assessment in the autumn of 2007,dissolved trace metals in the sea area of the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay were studied and estimated with gray cluster method.According to the National Sea Water Quality Standard(GB3097-1997),the evaluation model for trace metals in seawater with gray cluster method was established.The evaluation results show that the surface seawater quality in the nearshore area of the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay is good as a whole,but the contents of mercury and lead are relatively high,especially mercury. The seawater quality to the north of the Changjiang Estuary,in the north of the Hangzhou Bay and in the near of Zhoushan Isle are not so good,the main reason is the drain out let.According to this study,evaluating the content of trace metals in the surface seawater using the gray cluster method was relatively objective and reasonable.
Key words:
- gray cluster method /
- trace metals /
- Changjiang Estuary /
- Hangzhou Bay
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