为考察海水淡化产生的浓盐水对胶州湾盐度分布的影响,利用POM模式,建立了胶州湾盐度扩散模型,分别以现有海水淡化量和2010年规划海水淡化量所排放的浓盐水量为输入条件,模拟计算了胶州湾盐度的分布和变化。模拟显示,2010年2月、5月、8月和10月胶州湾整个湾内平均盐度分别为30.9895,30.8040,30.0221和30.2306,较2008年分别增加约0.0276,0.0274,0.0212和0.0205。浓盐水排放位置附近局部海域盐度增加明显,如黄岛浓盐水排放点附近海域,2月大潮涨潮时盐度超过31.55的水域面积较2008年增加0.24 km2,并且出现0.08 km2盐度超过32.00的水域;2月大潮落潮时盐度超过31.55水域面积比2008年增加0.53 km2左右,盐度超过32.00的面积增加约0.16 km2。2月、5月、8月和10月最高值分别达到40.23,36.66,37.94和37.87。结合前期室内实验结果可以看出,2月份的盐度最高值超过对胶州湾浮游植物生长有明显影响的非检测浓度(38.62)。这表明,按2010年规划的海水淡化规模所产生的排海浓盐水尽管对整个胶州湾的盐度分布影响不大,但会导致局部海域盐度明显增加,从而可能会对该海域浮游植物生长造成一定影响。
胶州湾 /
海水淡化 /
浓盐水 /
To study the effect of the brine discharged from desalination plant on the distribution of salinity in Jiaozhou Bay,a numerical model for the salinity diffusion in the Jiaozhou Bay is set up based on the POM model. With the inputting conditions of existing desalination volume and the near future volume planning in 2010,the distributions and changes of the salinity in the bay are simulated. The results show that in February,May,August and October in 2010,the averaged salinity of the bay is 30.989 5, 30.80.0,30.022 1,and 30.230 6,respectively,which have an increasing about 0.027 6,0.027 42, 0.02121,and 0.020 48 than in 2008. The salinity of the local areas close to the brine discharged locations will change obviously,such as in the area near Huangdao plant,the seawater area with the salinity above 31.55 in 2010 is 0.24 km2 larger than 200.in February high tide,and the seawater area with the salinity above 32.00 turns up,It is 0.08km2;The seawater area with the salinity above 31.55 in 2010 increases 0.24 km2 than 2008 in February ebb tide,and the area with the salinity above 32.00 increase about 0.16 km2. The highest salinity values reached 40.23,36.66,37.94,37.87 in February,May,August and October respectively. Coupling with the preliminary laboratory results,we can see that in February the highest salinity is higher than 38.62,which is the no-detected toxic concentration of the brine on the phytoplankt on community in the Bay. This shows that in 2010,the brine discharged from the desalination plants will have a little effect on the distribution of average salinity in the whole bay,but it will lead to a marked increasing in salinity near to the area of the desalination plants,and will have a certain extent effect on the growth of the phytoplankton.