Diurnal variation correction method based on linear least-squares algorithm in exploration of seamounts
摘要: 针对大洋调查中海山地磁测量时难以设立静日变化观测站的问题,提出了一种基于多项式拟合最小二乘算法的日变校正方法,即假设静日变化磁场可以用一个关于时间的高阶多项式来拟合,利用主测线和联络测线交点误差的最小二乘估计求得多项式的系数,从而得到静日变化曲线。从调查测得的磁场中减掉静日变化磁场即可得消除静日变化影响后的海山地磁异常。理论模型和实际资料处理都表明,这种方法不仅可以较好地消除静日变化的影响,而且用计算机实现也简单。为了提高静日变化校正结果,讨论了为提高静日变化校正效果,在大洋调查中测量海山地磁时应注意的几个问题。Abstract: In view of the difficulty of observation for diurnal variations during the survey of seamounts in the ocean, a correction method based on a linear least-squares algorithm was introduced.On the supposal of that the time-variation of earth magnetism can be fitted by a high-order polynomial, the coefficients of the polynomial, and the curve of diurnal variations can be obtained using the linear least-squares algorithm of an intersection error.Subtracted diurnal variations from the observed magnetic field, the magneticanomalies of seamounts removed the influence of diurnal variations can be obtained.Theoretical and real data processing shows that not only the result of the diurnal variations deleting is well, but the computercal-culating is simple.Additionally, in order to improve the result of diurnal variation correction, certain problems which may be meet with during the magnetic survey of seamounts are discussed.
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