Relationship between shape classification of Pacific seamount morphology and distribution of cobalt-rich crust resources
摘要: 通过对中西太平洋海山形态剖面的山体高度、山顶直径、基底直径、山顶直径与基底直径之比、山体坡度、山体高度与基底直径比值六个参数多元统计分析,发现可以根据山体高度与基底直径的比值对海山形态类型进行分类:比值小于0.10的为平顶海山(Ⅰ类),大于0.10的为尖顶海山(Ⅱ类),对于等于0.10的海山需参考平坦度和山体坡度,平坦度大和山体坡度缓的为Ⅰ类,反之为Ⅱ类。西太平洋的麦哲伦海山区、马绍尔群岛基本以平顶海山为主,介于中西太平洋之间的威克—马尔库斯海山区和中太平洋海山区、莱恩群岛平顶海山与尖顶海山共同发育。对各种类型海山上钴结壳分布研究发现,无论是在尖顶海山还是在平顶海山,板状结壳均比较发育,但砾状结壳在平顶海山比在尖顶海山的发育。中太平洋尖顶海山的结壳比平顶海山的发育,但由于山顶面积小,钴结壳资源量不大。仅从平顶海山看,在麦哲伦海山区、威克—马尔库斯海山区板状结壳比中太平洋海山区、马绍尔群岛、莱恩群岛的板状结壳发育,前者的板状结壳平均厚度大于3 cm,后者的板状结壳平均厚度小于3 cm,总体上是西太平洋平顶海山钴结壳比中太平洋平顶海山的发育。两种类型海山各方向上的资源分布明显不同,在平顶海山的西部山坡的资源比东部山坡的丰富,尖顶海山的则刚好相反。Abstract: Seamount shape statistic parameters (summit diameter, seamount height, basal diameter, flatness, seamount slope, and the ratio of seamount height to basal diameter) have been complied from 60 profiles of well-surveyed Pacific seamounts in the heig htrange of 1 350~4 650 m.Multivariate statistic analysis on six parameters shows that seamount shape type can be classified by the ratio of seamount height to basal diameter.The ratio is less than 0.10 for the guyots (Type Ⅰ), or more than 0.10 for the pointed cone seamounts (TypeⅡ).And for the ratio being equal to 0.10 the flatness and the slope are referred, the flatter and gentler seamount is at tributed to Type Ⅰ, ot herwise TypeⅡ.The Magellan Seamounts and the Marshall Islands in the west Pacific Ocean are distributed basically by the guyot, but the Wake-Marcus Seamounts, the Mid-Pacific Ocean Mountains and the Lines Islands between the west and central Pacific grow generally with two type seamounts.Compared with the cobalt-rich crust on the pointed cone seamount and the guyot, it is discovered that the pebble crusts are richer in the guyot than the pointed cone seamount but the laminated crusts develop well in both type seamounts.In the central Pacific Ocean, the cobalt-rich crusts are richer in the pointed cone seamounts than the guyot.But the summit area is smaller in the pointed cone seamount than the guyot, the cobalt-rich crust resources are not potential in TypeⅡ seamount of the central Pacific Ocean.In the central and west Pacific Ocean, the laminated crusts grow richer on the guyot in the Mag ellan Seamounts and the Wake-Marcus Islands than the Mid-Pacific Mountains, the Marshall Islands and the Lines Islands, the former average thickness is more than 3 cm but the latter is less than 3 cm.As a whole, there is obvious difference in two type seamounts, the cobalt-rich crusts on the guyot in the west Pacific Ocean develop better than the central Pacific Ocean, and the cobalt-rich crust resource in the west ward slope of guyot is richer than the east ward one, to the contrary in the pointed cone seamounts.
Key words:
- Pacific Ocean /
- seaflo or volcano shape /
- classification /
- cobalt-rich crust /
- cluster analysis
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