从2003年1月到2003年12月对浙江省象山港内嘉庚蛸的生物学指标进行了测量,共获取样品408头,分析了其基础生物学的周年变化规律和主要体型特征。结果表明,嘉庚蛸长度分布频率具有明显的季节变化,6,7月份长度分布较其他月份广,6月份分布比较均匀具两个峰值(240和360 mm,所占比例分别为13.3%和16.7%);冬季生长缓慢,3,4月份为快速生长期,体长、体重等指标增长明显,4月底即进入了繁殖季节,在6,7月份可采捕到当年孵化的幼体。嘉庚蛸体长与体重以幂函数拟合最佳,而各体征指标与全长、体重和体积的相关关系也较为显著,但相关方程在雌雄间存在着差异。雌体在体型上明显比雄体粗壮,全长/胴长、全长/胴宽以及全长/体积经统计检验发现雌雄间存在着显著差异,主要表现为若全长相等的情况下,雌体的胴长、胴宽和体积明显大于雄体,自然种群的雌体比雄体更强壮、更丰满。
嘉庚蛸 /
生物学指标 /
周年变化 /
体型 /
A total of 408 specimens of Octopus tankahkeei were collected from the fishery in Xiangshan Bay,Zhejiang province between January 2003 and December 2003.The animals were grouped by sex,size and month for length frequency analysis,annual changes rhythmon biological indexes and major traits of body shape were examined.The results show:the monthly distributions of length frequency change greatly,which is wider in June and July than the others months,while there are two peaks in June(240 mm and 360mm,the percentage is 13.3% and 16.7% separately).The animals grow slowly in winter,while the rapid growth period occurred in March and April,juvenile octopus could be found in June and July after nearly 40 days hatching from spawning.There were significant differences between the individual indexes, such as TL/DL,TL/DK,and TL/V,of female and male by the statistics;there were significant differences in the DL,DK and Volume,which is larger of female's than that of maleps when the total length is equal.Additionally,the females are more width and embonpointthan males in body shape.