Remote sensing(RS)based soil moisture reversionis original and tentative fortopographical survey and analysis in exposed tidal flat where this area is strongly affected by tidal fluctuation. The spatial distribution of soil water content is also highly helpful fordeep level cognition and comprehension of the ecological environmentthere. So takingexperiences from land phase soil property research,a soil moisture reversion model was established based on the correlation analysis betweenin situ soil water contentand its relevant RS spectrum data using Landsat ETM+image in anintertidal flatarea near Wanggang Port,Jiangsu Province,China. And then the model was applied for soil moisture reversion with good precision. Results showed that:(1)spectral reflectance of ETM+Band 4 has the maximum correlation with soil moisture in tidal flat;and(2)compared with different models such as multivariate linear model, single band,band-ratio and pseudo-NDVI model,single band model has the minimumerror forsoil mois-ture reversion. It was indicated that the distribution of soil water content in the exposed intertidal flat could be quickly and conveniently obtained by the model when the appropriate RS image was available.