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姜丽晶 彭晓彤 周怀阳 王风平

姜丽晶, 彭晓彤, 周怀阳, 王风平. 非培养手段分析珠江口淇澳岛海岸带沉积物中的古菌多样性[J]. 海洋学报, 2008, 30(4): 114-122.
引用本文: 姜丽晶, 彭晓彤, 周怀阳, 王风平. 非培养手段分析珠江口淇澳岛海岸带沉积物中的古菌多样性[J]. 海洋学报, 2008, 30(4): 114-122.
JIANG Li-jing, PENG Xiao-tong, ZHOU Huai-yang, WANG Feng-ping. Vertical distribution and diversity of Archaea in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island(Zhujiang River Estuary), southern China,estimated by 16S rDNA analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2008, 30(4): 114-122.
Citation: JIANG Li-jing, PENG Xiao-tong, ZHOU Huai-yang, WANG Feng-ping. Vertical distribution and diversity of Archaea in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island(Zhujiang River Estuary), southern China,estimated by 16S rDNA analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2008, 30(4): 114-122.


基金项目: 国家“973”前期项目(2006CB708200);国家自然科学重点基金项目(40532011)

Vertical distribution and diversity of Archaea in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island(Zhujiang River Estuary), southern China,estimated by 16S rDNA analysis

  • 摘要: 利用古菌16SrDNA特异引物对珠江口淇澳岛海岸带沉积物中古菌的多样性及垂直分布特征进行研究。结果表明珠江口淇澳岛海岸带沉积物中古菌多样性丰富,大部分为新的不可培养古菌;泉古菌在整个沉积物柱中是优势菌群,约占81%;古菌多样性随沉积物深度增加而增加,区系结构也随深度变化而呈现出明显的不同,在表层沉积物中,88%的序列属于Ⅰ型海洋泉古菌(MGⅠ),而在中层和底层检测到的古菌序列大部分与不可培养的富含甲烷的环境序列有最高的同源性,并且有15%的克隆子序列属于甲烷八叠球菌目(Methanosarcinales)和甲烷微菌目(Methanomicrobiales)。QC-PCR结果表明珠江口淇澳岛海岸带沉积物中古菌含量丰富[(1.93±0.60)×106~6.45±0.25×10716S rDNA拷贝/g],呈现随深度增加含量增加的趋势。
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