Numerical simulation of tides and three-dimensional tidal currents in Jiaozhou Bay by a movable land-sea boundary model
摘要: 基于普林斯顿海洋模式,通过干湿网格判别法引入潮汐潮流的漫滩过程,考虑M2,S2,K1,O1,M4和MS4六个主要分潮,建立了胶州湾潮汐潮流数值模拟和预报模型,研究了该海域潮汐潮流特征,并讨论了漫滩对潮流模拟的影响。与实测资料的对比验证表明,该模式能够对胶州湾的潮汐和潮流做出较为合理的预测。给出了胶州湾潮汐、潮流、余流等分布特征,模拟的潮流场以及余流场涡旋等现象与观测符合良好;计算了潮波能通量,从能量角度探讨了潮波的传播特性;对潮位与潮流场演变规律,以及潮能通量的分析表明,胶州湾内的潮波以驻波为主。通过数值试验发现,漫滩过程的引入对胶州湾潮流速度的模拟至关重要,不考虑漫滩过程的模式会夸大或者低估潮流流速。对于滩涂面积广阔的海域来说,潮流数值模式中考虑漫滩的影响是必要的。Abstract: A numerical model suitable for tides and tidal currents forecast in Jiaozhou Bay,which includes M2,S2,K1,O1,M4,and MS4 tidal constituents,is developed based on Princeton Ocean Model (POM) of 98 wersion.A wetting and drying scheme is imbedded into POM to deal with the dynamic land-sea boundaries in Jiaozhou Bay,where extensive mudflats are regularly exposed from extremely shallow coastal waters.Hourly tidal level observations of Dagang gauge in a month and the diel consecutive insitu tidal current data at 5 stations are used to validate the model performance.Comparisons between observations and numerical modeling indicate that the model performs well in simulating the tidal dynamics in Jiaozhou Bay.The distributions of tides,tidal currents,and Eulerian residual currents are given by the model;the modeled cyclic tidal currents and vortex patterns in Eulerian residual currents field are consistent with observations.The propagation of tidal waves is discussed based on tidal energy flux computation.The tides in Jiaozhou Bay is discovered to be characterized by standing waves to a great extent,which can be manifested by the analyses of tidal level and currents evolution,as well as the tidal energy fluxes distribution.Numerical experiments show that the moving boundary treatment is important for the numerical simulation of tidal current speed in Jiaozhou Bay.It is necessary to utilize a model which has movable land-sea boundaries to treat the wetting and drying processes in order to precisely predict the tidal currents in coastal waters with wide intertidal zones.
Key words:
- tidal current /
- Jiaozhou Bay /
- numerical simulation /
- wetting and drying scheme
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