Observations and analysis of tidal fronts in the southwestern Huanghai Sea
摘要: 根据2001-2004年逐年6月多学科综合调查资料和同期NASA的MODIS/Terra卫星遥感SST资料,对南黄海西北部夏季潮锋的不连续分布现象做了分析;并通过三维潮流数值模式计算Simpson-Hunter参数(以下简称S-H参数)分布,对不连续分布的形成机制做了讨论.层化季节南黄海西北部的苏北浅滩-海州湾外侧和山东半岛东部的成山头-石岛外海存在显著潮锋现象,而在两海域之间、青岛以东的山东半岛南部121°~122°E的近岸海域无显著潮锋持续存在;较高分辨率的潮流数值模拟的结果表明潮锋的不连续性分布主要是由潮混合和地形的共同作用而形成.潮锋不连续处海域潮混合较弱,层化现象更为显著.南黄海西北部底层锋形态较为显著,位于通过潮流模式计算的Simpson-Hunter参数1.8~2.4之间,与2.2等值线分布较为一致;表层锋则在海州湾外侧和石岛沿岸海域较为明显.潮锋不连续的分布特征对该海域的生态环境造成一定的影响,叶绿素a、中华哲水蚤、鳀鱼卵子等的数量分布都在潮锋显著的苏北浅滩-海州湾外侧和成山头-石岛外海海域形成较为密集的分布.Abstract: Based on the inter disciplinary data observed in June fr om 2001 to 2004,as well as MODIS/Terra SST in the same periods,the distributions and characteristics of tidal fronts in the southwestern Huanghai Sea are analyzed.The Simpson Hunter frontal predictors log(h/u3) are calculated through a 5'×5' 3D tide model,which yields results consisting with in situ and satellite observations.This paper reveals that:(1) There are significant tidal fronts in the southwestern Huang hai Sea,locate mainly at two areas:off-shore of Subei Shoal and Haizhou Bay;the off shore of eastern parts of Shang dong Peninsula,from Shidao to Cheng shantou.The SST cold water is not continuous in the south shore of the Peninsula,from 121°E to 122°E,which at least tells us no significant fronts there.(2) The disconnecting characteristic to the east coast of Qingdao is due to the weak tidal stirring and deeper bat hymetry,where the strat ification is relatively strong.The fronts distribute in well agreement with contours of log(h/u3) 2.2.The disconnecting characteristics of tidal fronts might have significant impacts on the distribution of chlorophylla,calanus sinicus and anchovy eggs,which concent rate mainly in the places where tidal fronts distribute distinctly.
Key words:
- Huanghai Sea /
- tidal fronts /
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