Numerical simulation of irregular water waves in coastal surf zones
摘要: 基于近岸不规则波浪传播的抛物型缓坡方程和两类波浪破碎能量损耗因子,对近岸波浪破碎区不规则波浪的波高分布进行了数值模拟,并结合实验结果对数值模拟结果进行了验证分析,结果表明采用两类波浪破碎能量损耗因子所模拟的破碎区波高与实测值均吻合良好,波浪破碎能量损耗因子及波浪破碎指标对破碎区波浪波高分布影响较明显。Abstract: On the basis of the parabolic mild-slope equation for irregular water waves and two wave energy dissipation factors due to breaking wave effect,the distribution of breaking wave heights has been numerically simulated,and the numerical results have been analyzed and validated by experimental data. It is shown that the two wave energy dissipation factors due to wave breaking effect adopted here can both achieve a good agreement between the numerical and experimental results,and the breaking water wave energy dissipation factor and breaking wave index parameter play important roles on the distribution of breaking wave heights in surf zones.
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