The morphological observation on the embryonic development of Starry flounder,Platichthys stellatus
摘要: 为了掌握星斑川鲽早期发育的规律,2006年4月在实验室利用显微镜和显微数码摄像系统,通过电脑活体观察测量拍摄星斑川鲽受精卵胚胎发育和初孵仔鱼的形态特征,详细描述记录其发育过程和时间。星斑川鲽为游离的半浮性卵,无油球,卵径平均924μm。在水温11.0~12.6℃孵化,大约受精后1h30min胚盘形成,9h30min进入囊胚期,11h后进入原肠胚,35h左右进入胚体器官分化期,62h左右尾部游离,70h后心跳开始,胚体搐动,89h孵出。实验表明,星斑川鲽受精卵的孵化进度与水温相关。孵化时间(Ht)与水温T(℃)关系方程为Ht=1044.3T-0.9712(R2=0.9785)。Abstract: In order to know the embryonic development pattern of Starry flounder,Platichthys stellatus, the fertilized eggs and larval at tributes were observed and recorded by microscope(NIKON-YS100)and digital photo system(DCM 130-2.0)at the laboratory in April 2006.Eggs of starry flounder were sphericity,dissociated,buoyant,and none of oil ball with diameter 924 μm in average.With the incubated temperature 11.5~12.6℃,the blast oderm was found by 1 h 30 min after fertilized,and blastula by 9 h 30 min,gastrulae by 11 h,embryonic apparatus by 21 h.The tail separated by 40 h,heart beat and body shrink by 70 h.The larva was incubated until 89 h.The results showed that the incubated time(Ht)was strong correlated with water temperature(T/℃),the regression equation was Ht=1044.3T-0.9712(R2=0.9785).
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