诱导子对海洋真菌Penicillium crustosum 2A4-Z15菌株生物碱代谢的调节作用
Effect of elicitors on alkaloid metabolism of a marine fungus Penicillium crustosum 2A4-Z15
摘要: 分别采用4种生物源诱导子和5种非生物源诱导子,对具有较强抑菌活性的海洋真菌壳青霉Penicillium crustosum2A4-Z15菌株进行诱导,考察诱导子对于菌株产生物碱的代谢调节作用。结果表明,不同来源的诱导子对菌株的生物碱产量和生物量影响不同,生物源诱导子的正向调节作用较明显,且其中以细菌源诱导子最为明显。当海洋细菌源诱导子在2A4-Z15菌株发酵对数生长期末,以10μg/cm3的浓度加入时,发酵物生物碱产量最高,较对照提高44.1%。Abstract: A marine fungus Penicillium crustosum 2A4-Z15,which has strong inhibition activity,w as separated from South China Sea and identified.It was treated by four biotic elicitors and five abiotic elicitors.Four biotic elicitors originated from different marine microorganism including Bacillus sp.,Penicillium sp.,Trichorderma sp.and Fucarium sp..Five abiotic elicitors included three aminoacids used as precursors and two inhibitors.The effect of different elicitors on alkaloid metabolism of the marine fung us was studied.The results show that different elicitors have different effecton alkaloid metabolism and biomass.Generally speaking,biotic elicitors have evidently positive influenceon them.Aminoacids added as precursors can show positive influence only with proper kind and concentration.Inhibitors tested both show negative influence.Alkaloid metabolism can be enhanced by 44.1% by the marine bacterial elicitor with a 10μg/cm3 concent ration added at logarithmic period
Key words:
- marine fungus /
- elicitor /
- alkaloid metabolism
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