Preliminary study of the spatial distribution of summer subtropical atmospheric vortices over northwest Pacific
摘要: 应用1985—2002年夏季欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的40a再分析资料,初步分析了副热带西北太平洋区域温带气旋、热带气旋和高空冷涡三种涡旋的三维结构及其时空分布特征。结果指出:(1)不同种类的涡旋具有不同的三维结构特征;(2)温带气旋和热带气旋主要分布在400hPa以下,涡旋分布的高值区位于近海海区,向内陆方向或向远海方向分布减少。副热带高空冷涡分布在太平洋上空的400~100hPa,呈东西向带状分布;(3)三种涡旋的个体强度有不同的年际变化特征。Abstract: Using 1985-2002 ECM WF 40-years re-analyses,a preliminary study was performed on the 3-D structure and spatial-temporal distributions of the extratropical cyclones,tropical cyclones and tropical uppertro pospheric cold vortices over the subtropical northwest Pacific in summer.Results show that:(1) the different kinds of vortices are marked by a variety of three-dimensional structures,(2)the extrat ropical and tropical cyclones are mainly under 400 hPa with their high activity in the adjacent seas and weakened in the open-sea and inland directions.The upper tropospheric cold vortices appear from 400 to 100 hPa on a zonal basis,and(3)the interannual variations in the individual intensity vary among the three kinds of vortices.
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