BTEX anomalies used as indicators of submarine oil and gas reservoirs
摘要: 常规的油气化探方法一般是应用烷烃类作为油气勘探的基本指标,但是烷烃类易受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,使常规的化探技术在油气勘探中一直受到限制。人们开始考虑采用直接的生物标记化合物来预测油气藏,如芳烃系列中的苯系化合物苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)、二甲苯(xylem),简称BTEX。国内外研究表明,BTEX基本不受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,对油气藏具有良好的指示作用。依据南海某区的实测资料,采用自主研发的油气化探可视化评价软件进行数据处理,剥离背景异常,圈出有效的BTEX异常,并与靶区地层剖面进行了对比,结果证实了BTEX对海域油气藏具有良好的指示作用。Abstract: It is a conventional method for geochemical petroleum prospecting to generally use paraffin hydrocarbon as basic indexes of oil and gas.This conventional geochemical technology, however, shows some limits in the prospecting as paraffin is vulnerable to influences from human and biologic activities.Consequently, BTEX (short for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylem, which are direct biomarkers) among aromatic hydrocarbon series has been taken into account for the oil and gas prediction.Domestic and foreign study results demonst rate that BTEX is hardly disturbed and can well indicate oil and gas reservoirs.On the basis of measured data from a South China Sea area, self-developed visual assessment software for the geochemical petroleum prospecting is used to process data, strip background anomalies, and outline significant BTEX anomalies.Through comparison with stratigraphic profiles of the target area, it is confirmed that BTEX is good indicators of submarine oil and gas reservoirs.
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