Correction to the image rotation of “HY—1A” COCTS images
摘要: "海洋1"号("HY—1A")卫星海洋水色扫描仪由于K镜的失效而出现了像旋现象,对获得的卫星图像质量产生直接影响。基于光学反射矢量理论,分析了多元探测器并行扫描方式下45°扫描镜加K镜的扫描轨迹特征,利用图像之间的相关性,首先自动寻找K镜停转的准确角度,然后根据K镜的停转角度与多元并扫理论对像旋图像进行了校正处理,获得了可用的校正图像。Abstract: The image rotating phenomenon occurs in the China "HY——1A" satellite ocean color temperature scanner because the onboard K mirror is unable to work, and it impacts the quality of satellite images.The multi-pixel scanning track of 45° rotating scanning mirror with K mirror is analyzed based on the vector theory of optical refraction.First, the K mirror's angle is searched automatically based on the theory of image relativity.Second, the rotating image is corrected by the K mirror's angle and the theory of multipixel scanning.Finally, a usable corrected-image is obtained.
Key words:
- 45° /
- rotating scanning mirror /
- K mirror /
- image rotating correction /
- multi-pixel scanner
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