Experimental study on single wave overtopping of sloping seawall under oblique and multidirectional irregular waves
摘要: 通过三维物理模型实验对斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波的单波越浪量进行了研究.实验考察了入射方向为0°~45°的斜向波和方向分布宽度为0°~25°的多向波以及混凝土和扭工字块体两种护面形式.在混凝土护面堤上用Weibull分布函数拟合了单波越浪量的累积频率分布,在影响因素不同的条件下确定了分布函数中的系数和越浪比例,给出了计算单波越浪量的公式,同时对扭工字块体护面堤上大约100个波中最大的单波越浪量进行了估算.Abstract: Extensive three-dimensional physical model tests have been performed to study the single wave overtopping of sloping seawall underoblique and multidirectional irregular waves. The angle of wave attack varies from 0°to 45°with the directional spreading of 0°~ 25°. The seaw alls contain two types of armor:concrete and do losse. For the concrete armor seawall a formula of single wave overtopping is derived by fitting the cumulative frequencies of single wave overtopping using a three-parameter Weibull function, of which the coefficient and the percentage of overtopping are fixed for different conditions. For the dolo ssearmor seawall the maximal single wave overtopping of about 100 waves is investigated.
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