Calculation of the wave force for analysis of submarine slope stability
摘要: 针对浅水区波浪的非线性特性,提出了在海底边坡稳定性分析中应用椭圆余弦波理论来研究波浪力的问题,利用非线性弥散关系建立了新的适用于整个水深范围的椭圆余弦波的近似求解方法.结合工程实例,确立了海底边坡波浪力的计算步骤,并编制了计算程序.Abstract: Considering the nonlinear feature of wave in shallow waters, the cnoidal wave theory is used to calculate the wave force for submarine slope stability. A new approximate method is proposed for solving cnoidal wave problem which can be used in the whole water depth. Combined with an example, the calculation steps of wave force are determined on the subm arine slope, and procedures are compiled.
Key words:
- slope stability /
- wave force /
- cnoidal wave /
- nonlinear dispersion equation
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