Physiological and biochemical effects of different doses of selenium on Spirulina platensis
摘要: 对钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)进行不同剂量水平的硒处理,以单位生物量S.platensis的加硒量为硒剂量(xSe=CSe/W(S.platensis)),通过每天向培养液中添加一定量的硒,维持螺旋藻生长期的硒剂量为恒定水平(即每天的xSe相同),研究不同硒剂量对S.platensis的生理生化影响.结果表明:各种抗氧化酶的活性除了APX之外基本上随xSe的增大而增大;当xSe不大于0.1时,硒对S.platensis的生长有促进作用,藻的色素含量与蛋白含量高于对照组,藻体MDA含量小于或接近于对照组;当xSe不小于0.2时,藻的色素含量与蛋白含量下降,其中,xSe为0.4的实验组的生物量则比对照组下降了21%;藻体MDA含量随xSe的增大而上升.实验结果提示,当xSe不大于0.1时,硒对螺旋藻产生营养作用,而当xSe不小于0.2时硒对螺旋藻产生毒性作用.Abstract: The physiological and biochemical effects of different doses of Se(IV) on S. platensis were investigated in this study by adding Se(IV) everyday to maintain the Se dose atinvariable levels during the growth of S. platensis. Seadding quantity perbiomass of S. platensis was defined to be Se dose(xSe = CSe/W). The results showed that the activities of antioxidases in S. platensis were increased with Sedoses increasing except APX;the Se has stimulative effects to the growth of S. platensis and the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins in S. platensis were higher than those of the control when xSe≤0.1, the concentrations of MDA were less or close to that of the control;the concentrations of pigments and water soluble proteins dropped obviously when xSe≥0.2, and the biomass of S. platensis was decreased by 21% when Se dose was increased to 0.4. Moreover, the concentrations of MDA increased obviously with the xSe increasing. These results indicated that Se(IV) was nutrient to S. platensis when xSe≤0.1 and toxic to S. platensis when xSe≥0.2.
Key words:
- selenium doss /
- Spirulina platensis /
- nutrient effects /
- toxic effects
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