The wave transport of the eastern area of the Pacific
摘要: 通过计算2000年涌浪指标(swell index)的全球分布,发现太平洋东边界赤道附近区域存在涌浪池.利用ECMWF再分析波浪资料,计算出2000年全球月平均波浪体积输运.比较2000年全球月平均波浪体积输运和2000年QUICKSCAT月平均风场,发现在赤道太平洋东边界涌浪池区域内的波浪输运方向和风向存在很大的差别,两者方向相差大约90°.这进一步验证了该地区涌浪池存在的真实性.研究发现,赤道太平洋东边界涌浪主要来源于北太平洋和南太平洋的西风带对应的海区.在涌浪池区域内分别在2.5°S和2.5°N取两条边界(边界起点为125°W,终点为美洲大陆西边界),计算通过这两条边界进入赤道区域涌浪的Stokes体积净输运量.结果表明,不同月份通过南、北两条边界波浪的净输运量与当月南、北太平洋西风带的风浪强度密切相关.同时指出了,涌浪的体积输运将会对大洋环流系统产生潜在的重要影响.Abstract: The found of well-defined zones of swell dominance,termed "swell pool",located in the eastern areas of the Pacific are presented in this paper,by calculating the global distribution of swell index in 2000.The global monthly mean wave transport for each month of 2000 is derived by taking advantage of the ECWM Freanalysis wave products.By comparing the monthly mean wave transport and monthly mean wind field from QUICKSCAT both of 2000,large difference is found between the wave transport direction and the wind direction in eastern area of the Pacific,approximately 90°,which may serve as an evidence for proving the existence of the swell pool in this Pacific.Analysis also show that the sources of swell in eastern tropical areas of the Pacific mainly locate in the corresponding regions of wester lies of South Pacific and North Pacific,respectively.Acalculation area is defined with boundaries lie on 2.5°N and 2.5°S(from 125°W to the western terrestrial boundary of America) to calculate the swell-caused net Stokes transport into the tropical region.Strong relationships are found between the net Stokes transport across the two latitudinal boundaries and wind intensities,for each specific month.It is pointed out that the bulk transport of swell could have a potential influence on the ocean circulation system.
Key words:
- swell index /
- swell pool /
- wave transport /
- easter narea of the Pacific
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