Study on adaptation and ecotype of pelagic Ostracoda in the East China Sea
摘要: 根据1997~2000年东海23°30'~33°N,118°30'~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,用浮游介形类物种丰度和同步表层温、盐度数据进行曲线拟合,构造数学模型,计算介形类分布最适温度和盐度值,并参考其地理分布和生态适应特征分析,确定东海浮游介形类主要物种的生态类型.结果表明:在浮游介形类优势种中,后圆真浮萤(Euconchoecia maimai)、短棒真浮萤(E.Chierchiae)、针刺真浮萤(E.aculeata)、细长真浮萤(E.elongata)和齿形海萤(Cypridina dentata)等为亚热带外海种.这些种具有广泛的分布,如果冬、春季在较低水温出现,与东海北部外海暖流带入有密切的关系.腹突拟浮萤(Paraconchoecia decipiens)、猬刺拟浮萤(P.echinata)、棘刺拟浮莹(P.spinifera)、长拟浮萤(P.oblonga)、大浮萤(Conchoecia magna)和葱萤(Porroecia porrecta)等是热带大洋种,这些种主要分布在黑潮暖流、台湾暖流和台湾海峡水域.同心假浮萤(Pseudocon-choecia concentrica)和Paraconchoecia sp.最适温度较低,但地理分布特征显示前者是亚热带外海种,后者是暖温带外海种.所提到介形类其他物种最适盐度大多超过34,但最适温度在15~20℃之间.依据有关文献,这些种在我国从东海到南沙海域都有分布,分布虽广但数量稀少,难有证据表明这些种分布与暖流有密切的关系,是亚热带外海种.Abstract: On the basis of the data from four seasonal oceanog raphic censuses in the East China Sea (23.30~33 N, 118.30~128 E) in 1997~2000, the paper studies on adaptation and ecotype of Ostracoda in the East China Sea through curve fitting, forming mathematical model, calculating optimal temperature and salinity, consulting geographic distribution based on synchronous data of abundance and environmental factors.The results show that in the dominant species, Euconchoecia maimai, E Chierchiae, Cypridina dentate, E aculeate and E elongata are off shore subtropical water species with wide distribution.They can occur in north off shore waters because warm currents may take them from low latitude areas to there during winter and spring.The mathematical analyses show that optimal temperatures of Paraconchoecia decipiens, P echinata, P spinifera, Conchoecia magna, P oblonga and Porroecia porrect are over 25, and their optimal salinity over 34, mainly distributing in waters of Kuroshio, the Taiwan Warm Current and the Taiwan Strait, which all make the species qualified as oceanic tropical water species.Though Pseudoconchoecia concentrica and Conchoecia sp have low optimal temperature, characters of their geographic distribution ascribe the former to of fshore subtropical water species and the latter to temperate warm water species.The optimal temperatures of the rest species are between 15 and 20.Though most of their optimal salinity is over 34, these species can widely distribute in areas from the East China Sea to the Nansha archipelago with not high density and their distribution are related with warm currents so that they can be defined as offshore subtropical water species.
Key words:
- East China Sea /
- zooplankton /
- Ostracoda /
- ecotype /
- temperature /
- salinity /
- indicator species
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