Residue of BHC and DDT in three species of Nemipterus fish from continental shelf of northern South China Sea
摘要: 为探讨六六六(BHC)、滴滴涕(DDT)对远岸海域渔业资源和水产品质量的影响,用气相色谱法测定了南海北部陆架海域3种金线鱼属(Nemipterus)鱼类肌肉内和其中深水金线鱼(N.bathybius)5种组织内的BHC、DDT含量.结果显示,研究海域鱼肉中BHC和DDT含量分别为0.04~0.89(平均0.26)μg/kg(湿重)、0.71~8.0(平均3.1)μg/kg(湿重),均低于亚太地区部分近岸海洋鱼类的残留水平,并低于国内外水产品安全限量,呈广东海域高于台湾浅滩的区域分布,但在不同鱼种之间、离岸远近的鱼类之间BHC、DDT含量差异不明显(p>0.10).深水金线鱼体内农药含量在肝组织中较高,在肌肉内居中,在鳃丝中较低,BHC含量由高到底的顺序为:肝脏、腹肌、背肌、肠、皮、鳃丝,DDT含量由高到底的顺序为:肝脏、腹肌、背肌、皮≈肠、鳃丝,不同组织中pp-DDT,op-DDT含量与脂肪含量较显著地正相关(p<0.05).Abstract: The BHC and DDT contents in three species of Nemipterus fish from continental shelf of northern South China Sea were determined by GC-ECD method in order on explore the effect of BHC and DDT on fishery resources and quality of fishery products off shore.The data showed that the contents of BHC and DDT in the fish muscle were from 0.04 to 0.89 with mean of 0.26μg/kg (wet mass), and from 0.71 to 8.0 (3.1)μg/kg (wet mass), respectively, both were below the superior limits in fishery products published by home and abroad, and under the mean level of some marine fish from near shore in Asia and Pacific Ocean.The mean content of BHC or DDT in the fish muscle along Guangdong was higher than that of Taiwan Bank.No significant difference of mean content of BHC or DDT in the fish muscle were observed among the different species or between the near shore and off shore (P > 0.10).In the fish N.bathybius, pesticide contents were significantly higher in the liver and lower in the gill thread (P < 0.05).The tissue of N.bathybius containing pesticides from high to low was in the order of liver greater than abdomen muscle greater than back muscle greater than intestines greater than skin greater than gill thread for BHC, and liver greater than abdomen muscle greater than back muscle greater than skin≈intestines greater than gill thread for DDT.The content of pp-DDT, op-DDT positively related to lipid content in different tissues of N.bathybius (P < 0.05).
Key words:
- northern South China Sea /
- Nemipterus fish /
- BHC /
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