Survival and metamorphosis of the larvae Portunus trituberculatus treated by the short-period fasting
摘要: 2005年4月以三疣梭子蟹各期幼体为实验动物,开展了短期停食对三疣梭子蟹幼体存活与变态影响试验.结果表明:完全停食处理条件下三疣梭子蟹各期幼体的平均全致死时间按发育先后次序(Z1,Z2,Z2,Z4,M)依次为81,120,141,162和200 h,平均半致死时间为39,66,90,64和174h;短期停食后恢复正常给饵条件下三疣梭子蟹各期幼体停食处理后的变态临界点按发育先后次序依次为停食处理后的33,57,69,54和150 h;单次停食时间在变态临界点内,先停食后正常给饵与"给饵+停食"循环两处理模式中各期幼体的存活率和变态率均随着停食时间的延长而下降,幼体变态所需时间和变态后个体死亡率也分别随之延长和增加,其中Z1停食3 h组与"给饵3 h+停食3 h"循环组、Z2停食4 h组与"给饵4 h+停食4 h"循环组、Z3停食4.5 h组与"给饵4.5 h+停食4.5 h"循环组,Z4停食6 h组与"给饵6 h+停食6 h"循环组、M停食7.5 h组、停食15 h组以及"给饵7.5 h+停食7.5 h"循环组均与对照组无差异.最后,还分别就三疣梭子蟹各期幼体停食处理极限值和限食处理总实验时间的确定、短期停食胁迫对三疣梭子蟹幼体的存活与变态特征以及三疣梭子蟹各期幼体的补偿生长水平及其应用等进行了分析与探讨.Abstract: Taking the Portunus trituberculatus larvas as testing animal,the research of the effects of the short-period fasting on survival and metamorphosis of Portunus trituberculatus larvas was carried out in Huaxing marine fry Ltd1 of Zhoushan city,Zhejiang province in April,2005.The results showed that: the average complete lethal time of Portunus trituberculatus larvas juvenile(Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4 to M)was 81, 120,141,162 and 200 h respectively,and the median lethal time was 39,66,90,64 and 174 h respectively. The displaying time of metamorphosis point was 33,57,69,54 and 150 h respectively under the condition of re-feeding recovering after the short-fasting.When the single fasting time was inside of the displaying time of metamorphosis point,the survival rate and metamorphosis rate were both declined,the larva metamor-phosis time prolonged and the death rate of anomalism was increased as the fasting time extending.There was no difference between the Z1(group of starving for 3 h and the group of the recurring mode of/feeding for 3 h then fasting for 3 h0).The results of Z2,Z2,Z4,M is same as the Z1(Z2 is between the group of fasting for 4 h and the group of recurring mode of/feeding for 4 h then fasting for 4 h0,Z3 is between the group of fasting for 4.5 h and the group of recurring mode of/feeding for 4.5 h then fasting for 4.5 h0, Z4 is between the group of fasting for 6 h and the group of recurring mode of/feeding for 6 h then fasting for 6 h,M is be ween the group of fasting for 7.5 h,fasting 15 h and the group of recurring mode of/feeding for 6 h then fasting for 6 h0).Finally,the thesis discussed the definition of fasting limit value and the total restricted disposing time,and the survival and metamorphosis character under short-period starvation of different period of Portunus trituberculatus larvas.
Key words:
- the short-period fasting /
- survival /
- metamorphosis /
- Portunus trituberculatus larvae
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