采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术,对5个西施舌自然群体的遗传多样性进行了研究.在选择的20个随机引物中共检测到168条标记条带.每个引物扩增谱带数在3~15之间.片段长度250~3 000 bp不等.利用Popgen1.32和PHILIP统计软件对实验数据进行处理,确立了5个群体间的亲缘关系,并对3个形态参数进行了方差分析,探讨了与RAPD结果的关联.结果表明:5个群体内和群体间遗传距离都较大,广西北海群体由于地理环境等因素的影响,无论是外部形态和遗传距离与其他4群体有较大差异,可能已经形成了地理种群.5个群体多态位点比例和平均遗传杂合度都较高,平均值为78.97%和0.308 7,香农多样值在0.301 8~0.367 3之间,聚类分析显示,山东群体与江苏群体亲缘关系最近,然后依次是浙江群体和福建群体.我国西施舌遗传多样性处于较高的水平,种质资源良好,西施舌养殖有很好的发展前景.
The Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) technique was applied to assess the genetic variation among five populations of Coelomactra antiquata.Under predetermined optimal reaction conditions,168 RAPD sites were detected ranging from 250 bp to 3 000 bp with 20 primers.The number of amplified bands ranged from 3 t o 15 in every individual.The experimental data were analyzed with the Popgen1.32 and PHYLIP software.The results showed that the genetic distance among individuals of one population and between different polulations were high.the morphological variation and genetic distance of Beihai population were different from other four populations,we presumed it have been a geographical population.The mean heterozygosities and mean proportion of polymorphic loci of five population were 78.97% and 0.308 7 respectively,value of Shannondiversity ranging from 0.301 8 to 0.367 3;the nearest phylogenetic relationship occure between the Shandong and Jiangsu populations,then between the Zhejiang and Fujian groups in turn.It's shown that the resource of Coelomactra antiquata was in good condition with high genetic variation and the prospect of Coelomactraantiquata culture was good.