等鞭金藻属(等鞭金藻目)1新种——湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhanjiangensis sp.nov)及其超微结构的观察
A new species of Isochrysis(Isochrysidales)——I.zhanjiangensis and its observation on the fine structure
摘要: 描述了从广东湛江南三岛沿岸采集、分离的等鞭金藻1新种———湛江等鞭金藻,应用电镜技术观察了湛江等鞭金藻运动细胞的超微结构.电镜观察证明,其运动细胞表面覆盖2~4层鳞片,鳞片有两种类型,一种较大,椭圆形;另一种较小,圆形.细胞顶端具有2条等长的平滑的鞭毛,两鞭毛间具有一条退化的定鞭(haptonema),很短,仅有1~2条微管.湛江等鞭金藻鞭毛过渡区中央轴丝与周边微管之间有5~6条螺旋条纹.两个金褐色色素体位于细胞两侧.3条类囊体为一组,无带片层.每个质体内侧具1个单层膜包裹的裸露的蛋白核.蛋白核内常具1对横列的类囊体.高尔基器位于鞭毛基体基部.线粒体长管状,具多个不分枝或分枝的脊.细胞中下部具1个至多个金藻昆布糖(Chrysolaminaran)颗粒.细胞核位于两质体之间、细胞基部.Abstract: A new species of genus Isochrysis I.zhanjiangensisi sp.nov.H.J.Hu, SH Let H.R.Liu was reported in this investigation.It was sampled and isolated from Nansan Island of Zhanjiang of Guangdong Province, China.The fine structure of its motile cells was observed through transmission electron microcope (TEM).The cellular surface is covered with 2~4 layers of scales with two different types of shape:either larger elliptical scales or smaller circular ones.Two equal, smooth flagella are protruded at the anterior end of the cell.Between the two flag ella is a very short and rudimentary hapto nema consisting of one or two microt ubules.The flagella transitional region is wound by 5~6 turns of a helix between centralax onema and peripheral microtubules.There are two golden brown chloroplasts situated on two parietal sides of the cell.Within the stoma are stacks of Thylakoids and a stack of three thylakoids consists of a Granum lacking girdle lamellar.In the cytoplasm of a cell, there is naked-pyrenoid wrapped with a single layer of membrane.An array of thy lakoids is typically shaped transversely with pyrenoid.The Golgiapparat us is located in the base of the flagella.Mitochondria are usually long, tubular in shape with branched or unbranched cristae.One to several chrysolaminaran granules are widely distributed in the middle or later of the cell.The nucleus lies between two plastids at the base of the cell.
Key words:
- new species /
- Haptophyta /
- Isochrysis zhanjiangensis /
- fine structure /
- scale /
- flagellar transitional region
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