Dynamic surveys for TCBS and EMB group bacteria within the Zhujiang River Estuary,South China Sea during 1999~2002
摘要: 报道1999~2002年对南海珠江口(21°50'~22°50'N,113°20'~114°50'E)26个站点的动态监测结果:(1)TCBS类群包括37%Ⅰ类(假单胞菌属、气单胞菌属),5%Ⅱ类(副溶血弧菌)和58%Ⅲ类(霍乱弧菌、霍乱弧菌埃尔托型,溶藻弧菌);EMB类群包括14%Ⅳ类(变形菌属、沙门氏菌属或志贺氏菌属),50%Ⅴ类(肠杆菌属、克雷伯氏菌属、哈夫尼氏菌属、沙雷氏菌属)和36%Ⅵ类(大肠杆菌);(2)26个站点之间的年平均CFU值差异显著.各站点的TCBS类群数量多而EMB类群数量少,表明TCBS类群为土著优势,而EMB类群主要来自陆源性污染;(3)26个站点被聚类为四大类别,不完全吻合其实际地理位置邻近关系,提示人为干扰活动影响超越自然地理隔离效应.站点G(万山群岛)和H(担杆岛)同属最靠近外海的孤立站点,却被划分为不同类别.H站点TCBS类群数量最高(3.7±2.6×104CFU/cm3),G站点是天然养殖区,EMB类群数量最高(9.5±6.6×103CFU/cm3),表明养殖区域陆源性EMB类群污染突出;(4)TCBS与EMB类群的月平均CFU值变化趋势相似,呈现年度周期性和季节周期性波动;(5)珠江口可以分为南、北部区域.南部区域的陆源性EMB类群污染严重,综合反映了来自珠江口水网系的高通量排放污染,养殖区域的自身污染,及其养殖活动对陆源性污染菌群的规模化“原位扩增”效应.Abstract: Dynamic surveys for TCBS and EMB group bacteria among 26 observation stations within the Zhujiang River Estuary, South China Sea (21°50'~22°50'N,113°20'~114°50'E) were conducted during 1999~2002, and the results are as follows:(1) TCBS group includes 37% Ⅰ (Pseudomonas, Aeromonas), 5% Ⅱ (Vibrio parahemolyticus) and 58% Ⅲ (Vibriocholerae, Vibrio cholerae biotype EI-Tor, Vibrioal ginolyticus).EMB group includes 14% Ⅳ(Proteus, Salmonella, and Shigella), 50% Ⅴ(Enter-obacter, Klebsiella, Hafnia, Sarratia), and 36% Ⅵ (Escherichia coli).(2) The values of annualmean CFU/mm3 among the 26 stations are significantly different.Each station has more TCBS group than EMB group, indicating that TCBS group becomes native dominant whereas EMB group mainly comes from land-originated pollutions.(3) The 26 stations are clustered into four subclusters with no coincidence with their reallinkages of geolocations, suggesting that the interference effects by human activities are dominant over those by natural geoisolations.Station G (Wanshan Islands) and Sta.H (Dangan Island) are the farthestisolated islands, but are clustered into two different subclusters.Station H has the highest value of TCBS group[(3.7±2.6×104CFU/cm3)]whereas Sta.Gas a natural farming area has the highest value of EMB group[(9.5±6.6×103CFU/cm3], indicating that farming activities produced pollutions dramatically.(4) The values of monthly mean CFU/cm3 among TCBS and EMB group show similar variations annually and seasonally.(5) The Zhujiang River Estuary is further divided into south and north parts.The south part is heavily polluted by the land-originated EMB group bacteria, reflecting the high-through-put contaminations from the network of the Zhujiang River, the self-produced pollutions from costal farming areas, and the amplification in situ of all pollutions through farming activities.
Key words:
- costal survey /
- pathogenic bacteria /
- Zhujiang River Estuary /
- TCBS group /
- EMB group
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