Pre-Cenozoic groups in the shelf basin of the East China Sea
摘要: 根据东海陆架盆地周边地质、地球物理和钻井资料,应用岩石学、古生物学、同位素年代学、层序地层学等分析方法,研究东海陆架盆地的前新生界.陆架盆地广泛发育中生界,其中盆地南部发育最全,以三叠—白垩系陆相碎屑岩为主,中部隆起带以发育侏罗—白垩系的陆相火山岩为主,以台湾海峡为中心的盆地南部有海相—海陆过渡相的中生界.在盆地南部钻遇的年龄为1680 Ma的黑云角闪斜长片麻岩和在北部钻遇的糜棱片麻岩分别为浙闽东部前震旦纪变质岩和浙北晚元古代变质岩在海中的延伸.陆架地区晚古生代可能属于亚洲大陆东缘优地槽带的冒地槽,在盆地内尤其在东部坳陷带可能有晚古生代浅变质岩.Abstract: The study on the Pre-Cenozoic groups in the shelf basin of the East China Sea (ECS) has been carried out based on the data of geology collected in adjacent areas and geophysics and drilling wells obtained in the basin.The Mesozoic group is extensively developed in the shelf basin.It is complete in the southern area of the basin, from Triassic to Cretaceous.The central uplift belt is characterized by Jurassic Cretaceous volcanic rocks.There are marine-transitional Mesozoic group developed in the southern area of the basin, namely, the Taiw an Strait and the vicinity.The biotitic hornblende plagioclass gneisses with a rubidium-strontiumage of 1 680 M a found in the southern area of the basin is the extension of Pre-Sinian metamorphic rocks out cropped in the coastarea of Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, China, and the gneisses found in the northern area is the extension of Later Preterozoic metamorphic rocks out cropped in the northern Zhejiang Province.During Later Paleozoic, tHe cont inental shelf of the ECS can be a miogeo-syncline which is located to the west of the eugeosyncline extendingalong the eastern margin of A sian continent, so the Later Paleozoic metamorphic strat a may exist in the basin, especially in the eastern depres-sion of it.
Key words:
- Pre-Cenozoic groups /
- marine Mesozoic strata /
- continental shelf basin /
- East China Sea
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