Study on the individual fecundity of Octopus tankahkeei
摘要: 研究了嘉庚蛸个体生殖力的分布特征、变化规律及其与各个体征指标之间的相关关系.结果表明,嘉庚蛸个体绝对生殖力r,r/L(绝对生殖力与体长之比),r/W(绝对生殖力与湿的质量之比),r/V(绝对生殖力/体积)均服从正态分布;个体生殖力r和r/W与多数体征指标呈幂函数关系,r与胴长、性腺重和第一对腕长分别以“S”曲线、线性和二次曲线拟合最优,r/W与肝重和性腺重均以三次曲线拟合最优,r/L与各指标均不相关,而r/V与各体征指标之间的相关关系比较复杂.还进一步构造出了个体生殖力与各指标的多元逐步回归方程,r随着胴宽的增加而显著增加.Abstract: On the basis of biological data obtained from the speciemens of Octopus tankahkeei from the Xiangshan Bay,Zhejiang Province in China in 2004,the distribution,variant regularity and relationship with body character indexes of individual fecundity were studied.the results were summarized as follows:The individual absolute fecundity r and relative fecundity r/L,r/W,r/V are all distributed normal y.The individual absolute fecundity r and relative fecundity r/W can be expressed in power functions by the major body character indexes except the D,W G and W F,which are S-shaped,linearly and quadraticly correlative to the absolute fecundity r.the relative fecundity r/W are cubticly correlative to the character indexes by WL and WG.while the individual relative fecundity r/V has compound regression relationship with these body character indexes,but the individual relative fecundity r/L has no significant relationship with these indexes.The optimun multiple regression of the individual fecundity(r,r/W,r/V) with the body character indexes are described,they show thatr is mainly dependent on the size of DK.
Key words:
- Octopus tankahkee /
- individual fecundity /
- body character index
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