RAPD analysis of molecular genetic diversity and genetic relationship of four grouper species
摘要: 采用25个引物,对海南养殖的点带石斑鱼、广东养殖的斜带石斑鱼、南海西沙野生鲑点石斑鱼和蜂巢石斑鱼的基因组DNA进行了RAPD分析,并用UPGMA法对4种石斑鱼进行聚类分析.研究结果表明:(1)野生鲑点石斑鱼和蜂巢石斑鱼群体内遗传多样性较高,多态位点比率分别为58.07%和55.65%,平均遗传杂合度分别为0.1793和0.1622,表明南海野生石斑鱼遗传变异水平较高,种质资源状况良好;而养殖的点带石斑鱼和斜带石斑鱼遗传多样性偏低,多态位点比率分别为49.70%和40.38%,平均遗传杂合度分别为0.1349和0.1135,表明石斑鱼养殖群体遗传多样性水平有所下降,应及时采取适当的保护措施.(2)4种石斑鱼种间遗传距离及聚类分析表明,点带石斑鱼与斜带石斑鱼遗传距离最近(D=0.2570);鲑点石斑鱼与蜂巢石斑鱼遗传距离次之(D=0.5146);斜带石斑鱼与蜂巢石斑鱼的亲缘关系最远(D=0.5810).(3)在8个引物中,有区分4种石斑鱼的特异性片段,可用于这些石斑鱼的鉴定.Abstract: The RAPD(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) technology was applied to studying the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of four grouper species,including two raised population(Epinep helusmalabaricus from Hainan,China and E.coioides from Guangdong,China) and two wild populations(E.firio and E.merracaptured from the South China Sea.25 random primers were used to be analyzed,and the genetic relationship of these grouper species was analyzed by UPGMA.The results indicated that:first,the percentages of polymorphic loci of the wild populations of E.frio and E.merra were 58.07% and 55.65%,and the mean heterozyg ositys of the wild populations of E.frio and E.merra were 0.1793 and 0.1622,respectively,the level of genetic diversity of them was high and the genetic status was good.However,that of the raised populations of E.malabaricus and E.coioides was low.The percent ages of polymor phicloci were 49.70% and 40.38%,and the mean heterozygositys were 0.1349 and 0.1135 respectively,which indicated the level of genetic diversity of the raised grouper populations was declined,and it should be taken some remedial measures.Second,the interspecies genetic distance and clustering analysis showed that:among four grouper species,the genetic distance between E.malabaricus and E.coioides was minimum(0.2570),E.frio and E.merra took second palace(0.5146),E.coioides and E.firio was maximum(0.5810).Finally,among the fragments generated by 8 primers,some specific fragments which can be used to identify these groupers,were found.
Key words:
- groupers /
- molecular genetic diversity /
- relationship /
- RAPD analysis
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