Influence of N/P ratio on the growth and competition of two red tide algae
摘要: 研究了两种赤潮藻即假微型海链藻(Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasleet Heimdalh)和裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp.)在不同氮磷比培养条件下的生长特性和藻间竞争作用,探讨了氮磷含量及其比值对赤潮爆发的影响机理.结果表明,在N/P=16条件下,假微型海链藻的最大比增长率最高、相对生长常数最大、平均倍增时间最短,叶绿素a含量最高,说明该N/P值是假微型海链藻最佳生长营养盐条件.对裸甲藻而言,N/P=6是其最佳生长的营养盐条件.叶绿素a含量受N/P值的影响和藻细胞密度所受的影响趋势基本一致.不同N/P值对藻间竞争作用和群落演替的总体影响不明显,都呈现先硅藻后甲藻的群落演替规律.裸甲藻可能具有利用体内磷来维持生长的特点.Abstract: The growth and species competition of two red tide species Thalassiosira pseudonana and Gymnodinium sp.were studied under different N/P ratio, and the algal batch culture experiments was conducted.The physiological and biochemical indexes were measured periodically,including µmax,K,G(d) and Chl-a.The results showed that when the N/P ratio was 16:1, the µmax,K and Chl-a of Thalassiosira pseudonana were all the highest,and G (d) was the shortest.This implied that the optimal N/P ratio of Thalassiosira pseudonana is 16:1.When the N/P ratio was 6:1, the max,K and Chl-a of Gymnodinium sp.were the highest, and G(d) were the shortest,so the optimal N/P ratio of Gymnodinium sp.is 6:1.From the growth curves as indicated both in cell density and Chl-a, it is suggested that the effect of N/P ratio on Chl-a and cell density are almost the same.Different N/P ratios had weak influence on succession of community of algae and the competition between the two algae.Gymnodinium sp.may use the phosphorus in vivo for growth, so it is important to payattention to the concealment of pho-sphorus, in order to avoid the out break of redtide.Based on the import ance of nitrogen and phosphorus and its ratio, the possible outbreak mechanism of red tide was also discussed in this paper.
Key words:
- N/ P ratio /
- Thalassiosira pseudonana /
- Gymnodinium sp. /
- red tide
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