Analysis of evolution of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass and its relationship with adjacent water masses
摘要: 黄海冷水团是出现在黄海的一种独特的水文现象.文中利用覆盖整个黄海的GDEM三维水温资料,结合近期一些大型调查所获得的有关观测研究结果,首先较系统地分析了黄海冷水团的形成和演变过程,并对冷水团3个冷中心的季节演变提出了一些与前不同的认识.同时,通过对黄海冷水团形成、发展和消亡与该海域温跃层演变关系的分析,进一步揭示了黄海冷水团演变的机理.然后,探讨了黄海冷水团演变过程中与青岛和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水的关系.分析表明,在黄海冷水团发展的鼎盛时期,青岛冷水团和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水皆包络其中.Abstract: Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass (HSCWM) is a unique hydrographic phenomenon in the Huanghai Sea.Compared with the previous studies, the new contributions of this study are as follows.The formation and evolution of the HSCWM are analyzed on the basis of the GDEM data of water temperature with a high resolution of 10'×10' from Americal Navy, together with observations of several massive surveys in recent years.Meanw hile, some new views on the distribution and evolution of the cold centers of the HSCWM are suggested.Besides, the evolution mechanism of the HSCWM is delineated further by analyzing the relationship between the formation and evolution of the HSCWM and the development of the thermocline in the Huanghai Sea.Atlast,the relationship between the HSCWM and its adjacent water masses during evolution is approached further.Analyses indicate that in a period of great prosperity of the development of the HSCWM,the Qing dao Cold Water Mass, Ren-Can Off-Shore Cold Water Mass, and the bottom cold water in the northern East Chine Sea are embodied in the HSCWM.
Key words:
- Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass /
- evolution /
- cold centers
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