The remote of the sensible and latent heat fluxes in China coast
摘要: 应用卫星SSM/I(Special Sensor Microwave/Imager)和AVHRR(Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)遥感资料,使用先进的海气通量计算方法(COARE3.0),计算了中国近海海气界面的感热和潜热通量.计算结果与南海西沙(2002年5月)和文昌(2000年10~11月)实测结果进行比较发现,应用遥感资料获得的海气界面热通量与实测结果非常一致.遥感获得的感热通量和潜热通量与西沙实测结果的均方根误差分别为2.9和29.9 W/m2,与文昌实测结果的均方根误差:2000年10月分别为4.42和43.05 W/m2,2000年11月分别为4.19和40.8 W/m2.与GSSTF2的结果相比,其时空分布变化特征基本一致.根据中国近海遥感资料(1988~2000年)的感热通量的分析,其均方根误差在10.1~12.4 W/m2之间,多年平均均方根误差为11.7 W/m2.潜热通量的均方根误差在34.8~49.7 W/m2之间,多年平均均方根误差为43.2 W/m2.由此可以说明,利用遥感获得的热通量可以用来进行中国近海海气相互作用的研究以及作为我国气候预测研究的重要依据.Abstract: The heat exchange interfaced ocean and atmosphere acts an important role in the climatic variation, but it has influenced on further research of the air-sea interaction because the observations over ocean are sparse.In this paper the satellite data from SSM/I and AVHRR are applied to estimate the sensible flux and latent flux on the air-sea interface over China coastal sea (CCS) with the advanced method (COARE3.0).Comparison with the in-situ observations in Xisha and Wenchang stations, the estimated results are reasonable well.the root mean square (RMS) of sensible flux and latent flux are 2.9 and 29.9 W/m2, respectively, contrasted with the observation data from Xisha Station in May 2002.The RMS of sensible flux are 4.42 W/m2 (October 2000) and 4.19 W/m2 (November 2000), the RMS of latent flux are 43.05 W/m2 (October 2000) and 40.8 W/m2 (November 2000) contrasted with Wenchang Station.The temporal and spatial distributions from this method are generally consistent with that of GSSTF2.Based on the analysis with the satellite data in CCS, the RMS is 11.7 W/m2 for sensible flux and 43.2 W/m2 for latent flux.It means that the sat ellite data could be taken as an efficient alternative for sparse observations over ocean and it has important role in the study of the air-sea interaction in CCS, as well it has been used as important basis on the climate forecast and research in China.
Key words:
- China coastal sea /
- heat fluxes /
- satellite data
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