Acoustic assessment of five groups commercial fish in South China Sea
摘要: 1997年12月至1999年6月,利用“北斗”号调查船配置的Simrad EK500回声探测-积分系统在南海北部海域进行了渔业资源声学调查,调查分春(4~6月)、夏(7~9月)、秋(10~12月)、冬(12~2月)4个季节进行.根据调查资料,运用渔业资源声学评估方法对该海域的带鱼科、蓝圆鲹、竹荚鱼、金线鱼科以及大眼鲷科等5类23种经济鱼类进行了评估与分析.结果表明,这些种类在南海北部海域仍具有一定的资源储量,其资源量分别为5.04×105,1.63×105,1.04×105,9.8×104和9.2×104t;分析了其资源量的区域分布和季节变化.Abstract: A fishery acoustic survey was conducted in the northern waters of South China Sea by calibrated Simrad EK500 echosounder on board R/V Beidou in spring (April to June),summer (July to September),autumn (October to December) and winter (December to February) from December 1997 to June 1999.Based on the data,this article assessed the stocks of 23 species of 5 commer cial taxonomical groups) Trichiuridae were assessed,Decapterus maruadsi,Trachurusjaponicus,Nemipterus and Priacanthidae.The results show that stocks of Trichiuridae,Decapterus maruadsi,Trachurus japonicus,Nemipterus and Priacanthidae are 5.04×105,1.63×105,1.04×105,9.8×104 and 9.2×104 t,respectively,in the north waters of South China Sea.In addition,regional distribution and seasonal variation of stock densities of the species were still analyaed.
Key words:
- stock density /
- commercial fish /
- acoustic assessment /
- South China Sea
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