Species composition of benthic dinoflagellate and the seasonal variations of dominant species in the east coastal beach of Xiamen Island
摘要: 2001年8月至2002年7月,对厦门岛东海岸黄厝沙滩底栖甲藻的种类组成和优势种的时空分布进行了为每月一次的调查,共鉴定甲藻种类46种,其中底栖种39种,常见种14种,优势种4种.Amphidinium britannicum和Adenoides sp.为冬春季优势种,Herdmania litoraris和Peri-dinium quinquecorne为夏秋优势种,优势种的季节更替比较明显.夏秋季节的种数多,冬春季节的种数少,细胞数量高峰出现在春夏季,秋冬两季数量很少,由夏季的200多个每克干沙减少到冬末的0~4个/g干沙;多样性指数和均匀度呈双峰型分布,峰值出现在10和2月,谷值出现在12月和7月.空间分布上,底栖甲藻的总细胞密度和优势种的细胞密度呈现由高潮带向中、低潮带增加的趋势.分析了影响厦门东海岸沙滩底栖甲藻时空分布的主要因素,并探讨了沙滩底栖甲藻与近岸赤潮及着色砂现象的关系.Abstract: The species composition and the temporal and spatial distribution of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates in the intertidal zone of the Huangcuo Beach,Xiamen Island,were investigated from August 2001 to July 2002.During the year-round survey,46 species of dinoflagellates had been identified,within which 39 species were recognized as benthic dinoflagellate,including 15 com mon species and four dominant species.Amphidinium britannicum and Adenoides sp.are two dominant species in the winter and spring,while Peridinium quinquecorne and Herdmanialittoralis are found dominant in summer and fall.Either the species number or cell density is high in spring and summer,but low in fall and winter,with a variation of about two orders of magnitudes in cell density.The cell density of dominant species and total cell density incline from the high-tide zone to middle-and low-tide zone.The main factors influencing on the distribution of benthic dinoflagellate in the east coastal beach of Xiamen Island,together with the possible link of benthic dinoflagellate with "colored sand" phenomena and near shore red tide,were discussed.
Key words:
- benthic dinoflagellate /
- dominant species /
- species compositions /
- seasonal variation /
- Xiamen Island
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