Distribution of arsenic concentrations in the culture-shellfish from the southern coast of Fujian Province, China
摘要: 通过2003~2004年对福建闽南沿海5种养殖贝类体砷含量的调查监测,对养殖贝类体中砷含量的分布进行了探讨.福建闽南沿海5种养殖贝类体总砷含量为0.65×10-6~4.80×10-6,总平均值为2.09×10-6,其中有机砷和无机砷占总砷含量的百分比分别为61.6%~98.2%和2.3%~38.4%,平均值分别为88.8%和11.2%.在相同养殖区,养殖贝类体总砷平均含量的种间分布差异较小.滩涂养殖底栖贝类体内总砷平均含量总体上高于浅海筏式养殖贝类体的平均含量.福建闽南沿海5种养殖贝类体内总砷含量在泉州湾、湄州湾、东山湾和九龙江口高,在诏安湾和围头湾低,在其余各湾相近.5种养殖贝类体内无机砷的污染指数和总平均值分别为0.05~0.76和0.23,总砷的污染指数和总平均值分别为0.06~0.48和0.21,总体符合国家食品卫生质量标准.养殖贝类体中砷含量与体长之间总体成正相关.Abstract: It was undertaken (2003~2004) to investigate the distribution of arsenic concentrations in five culture-shellfish from the southern coast of Fujian Province,China.The results show that total arsenic concentrations in the five culture-shellfish vary from 0.65×10-6 to 4.80×10-6,with an overall average of 2.09×10-6.The percent of organic arsenic content to the total arsenic one ranges from 61.6% to 98.2%,and the percent of inorganic arsenic is from 2.3% to 38.4%.Their average values are 88.8% and 11.2% respectively.Difference of the inter-specific distribution of the total average concentration in the culture shellfish is little in the same culture area.Overall,the total arsenic average concentration of culture-benthic shellfish in sea beach soil is higher than that of raft-culture shellfish in shallow sea.The total arsenic concentrations in the five culture-shellfish in the Quanzhou Bay,the Meizhou Bay,the Dongshan Bay and the Jiulong Estuary are high,the Weitou Bay and the Zhao'an Bay are low,and in other bays are nearly the same.The pollution index of the inorganic arsenic ranges from 0.05 to 0.76 with an overall average of 0.23.And for the total arsenic,the pollution index is from 0.06~0.48 with an overall average of 0.21.They are all below the arsenics limit of natural food sanitation quality criteria in marine bivalve.The correlation between the total arsenic in the culture-shellfish and its length is overall positive.
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