Study on the artificial breeding,larval development and metamorphosis of Xiamen amphioxus,Branchiostoma belcheri
摘要: 用组织学和胚胎学方法对厦门国家级自然保护区文昌鱼的生殖季节、胚胎发育和幼虫培育进行详细研究,结果表明,自然保护区文昌鱼生殖季节可分为两个繁殖时期,从6月初开始至7月初为繁殖高峰期,8和9月为繁殖小产期.观察人工繁殖得出,文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)产卵时间在傍晚19:00前后,可以观察到雌、雄文昌鱼的产卵和排精行为:雄性文昌鱼先离开沙,并跃出水面快速游动和排精,接着雌鱼也跃出水面,所有的卵通过破裂的性腺壁进入到围鳃腔并通过围鳃孔到水中受精,受精率在98.5%以上,还观察了文昌鱼幼虫发育并变态为幼鱼(长度为1.05~13.5mm)的全过程.Abstract: The reproductive season,embryo development and larval culture of amphioxus in the National Natural Protective Area of Xiamen were studied in detail by the methods of histology and embryology.The results indicate that the reproductive season of amphioxus in the National Natural Protective Area of Xiamen maybe divided into two breeding stages.One is the breeding peak stage which starts from June to the end of July,and another is small breeding stage which is in August and September.The observation on the artificial breeding suggests that amphioxus spawned initially at about 07:00 PM,and the spawning and spermiation behaviours in female and male amphioxus could be seen.The male amphioxus left firstly the sand,rushed up to the water surface,and swam as well as released sperms.Then,the fmale swam to the water surface,and all eggs passed out from broken wall of ovary into the at rial cavity and through the atriopore to the water.The fertility rate is about 98.5%.At the same time,the whole process of the development from larvae to young fish is observed with metamorphosis(length:1.05~13.50 mm).
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