Design on flow of visualization modeling system for ocean remote sensing information extraction
摘要: 根据海洋遥感信息提取可视化建模应用需求,以用户可视化模型建立及流程设计实现为目标,采用统一建模语言UML面向对象分析方法,设计海洋遥感信息提取可视化建模系统软件结构、用户需求用例(use case)结构、类(class)结构及流程图表示法,同时完成流程定义器、流程调度的设计和实现.结果表明,可视化用户建模系统可以使广大海洋用户在使用遥感数据时无须在数据预处理及转换工作上花费较多的时间,也不要学习很多遥感信息处理专业知识即可适应和使用组件式海洋遥感数据处理和信息提取通用软件,并且在该软件平台上进行他们的研究和应用开发工作.Abstract: According to the users requirement and visualization target of ocean information extraction,avisualization modeling system for ocean remote sensing information extraction is designed which includes its software structure,users requirement use-case structure,class structure and flow-chart representation using the unified modeling language (UML) and object-oriented analysis method.The related flow definer and flow at temperment are designed and implemented.The result shows that ocean users can utilize the visualization modeling system to reprocess and transform data without spending much time and learning many domain knowledges of remote sensing information.Moreover,the user can adapt and use the module software of ocean data process and information extraction,and finish their research and development for application based on the software workbench.
Key words:
- ocean remote sensing /
- visualization modeling /
- UML /
- software design
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