Study on fractal characuerisuics of tidal creeks and information of seashell habitats in the Gaizhou Beach based on high-resolution satellite images
摘要: 通过盖州滩潮沟的“资源2”号高分辨率遥感卫星影像与TM影像等多源信息融合,同时采用形态分维的结果,获取了盖州滩潮沟的图形及逆信息树特征,并以此建立了计算模式.量化计算了盖州滩南、北部潮沟发育特征,它反映了两者间的分异度;采样监督分类分出盖州滩高、中、低潮滩分布及其相应面积以及盖州滩的贝类生境区影像特征与滩涂分布的相关性.对盖州滩的工程实施问题进行了讨论.Abstract: The fractal characteristics of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach were analyzed based on high-resolution images fusion of Landsat TM and ERS-2,and then the graphic models and characteristics of converse information tree of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach were built.A calculation model was built based on the above results,and at the same time,quantitative calculation of the evolution characteristics and the diversity between the north and the south of the Gaizhou Beach was carried out.By the super vised classification of these images,distribution and areas of high tidal flats,middle tidal flats and low tidal flats in the Gaizhou Beach were studied quantitatively,and image characterist cs of seashell habitats in t he Gaizhou Beach and the correlation between mudflat distribution and seashell habitats were studied.At last,the engineering problems in the Gaizhou Beach were discussed.
Key words:
- high-resolution satellite images /
- tidal creek /
- model /
- seashell /
- fractal
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