The study on wetland landscape evolution of the Chaoyanggang Lagoon based on 3S technologies
摘要: 在朝阳港潟湖湿地景观分类体系基础上,利用3S技术对多时相的潟湖湿地景观格局进行了定量分析,结果表明,从1954年到2002年人工景观面积增加了532 hm2,景观格局指数呈现出景观多样性和均匀度增加、优势度下降的趋势;潟湖总体斑块密度从0.017 4个/hm2增加到0.034 6个/hm2,廊道密度从0.69 54 m/hm2增加到22.05 640m/hm2,景观破碎化程度逐渐增强. 潟湖湿地景观格局变化与人类的干扰活动密切相关,因此在潟湖湿地资源保护中合理调控人类的干扰活动尤为重要.Abstract: On the basis of classification system of the landscape types of the Chaoyanggang Lagoon,the landscape patterns changes in different periods are analyzed quantitatively through 3S technologies.The results show that the area of the artificial landscapes is increased by 532 hm2 from 1954 to 2002.The land scape diversity index and the landscape evenness index increase and the landscape dominance index decrea ses.At the same time,the patch density of the lagoon increases from 0.017 9 to 0.034 6 ind./hm2,the corridor density increases from 0.695 4 to 22.056 4 m/hm2,which shows that the fragmentation level is increased since 1954.The landscape patterns changes of the Chaoyanggang Lagoon are closed related to human activities on the landscape,so adjusting the in ensity of human development reasonably is very important to protect lagoonal wetland resources effectively.
Key words:
- 3S technologies /
- Chaoyaoggang /
- lagoonal wetland /
- landscape /
- human activities
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