Analyses of sound velocity field in sea area by Ryūkyū-guntō
摘要: 利用美国海军的GDEM(generalized digital environm ental model)数据对琉球群岛附近海域声场进行了研究,分析了该海域声速最小值分布及其对应深度的分布规律;研究了横跨和穿越宫古水道两个断面上上述声场特征的变化,结果表明杭州湾以北的沿岸约30m地形等深线内,冬、春、秋季声速最小值出现在海面,并且有较为稳定的表面声道;夏季闽浙沿岸约30m地形等深线内,声速最小值出现在海面.奄美群岛、冲绳岛东侧130km范围内有很强的海水混合,上升流很明显,导致声速最小值出现的深度在冬夏比在春秋的深400m.Abstract: The sound velocity field in a sea area near the Ry ky-gunt is stuidied by accessing generalized digital environm entalmodel data base.The distribution rules about the depth corresponding to the minmial sound velocity value are analyzed particularly.Profile a long the Guntu A rchipelago and profile across Amami-shot are studied to find out the above characteristic variations of them.There are series of conclusions.First,there is a sea area about the north of the Hangzhou Bay coaswtise area where the minmial sound velocity value always appears on the sea sur-face in winter,spring and autumn and steady surface sound channel exists.Along the coast of Zhejiag and Fujian Province,China,in the range of 30 m topography isoline,the minmial sound velocity value appears on the sea surface in summer.Second,seawater mixed very strongly and ascendant flow stood out in the 130 km range of the eastern Okinawa-shot.It lead to that the minmial sound velocity depth value in winter and summer is 400 m greater than that in spring and autumn.
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