Distribution characteristics of zooplankton biomass in the East China Sea
摘要: 根据1997~2000年东海海域23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E分别进行4个季节的海洋调查资料,对东海区浮游动物总生物量及饵料生物量的数量变动,时空分布及与鱼渔场关系作了分析.结果表明,四季总生物量均值为65.32mg/m3,其中秋季大于夏季大于春季大于冬季;饵料浮游动物生物量均值为40.9mg/m3,约占总生物量的60%,其中秋季大于夏季大于冬季大于春季.总生物量与饵料生物量平面分布趋势基本一致,高生物量(250~500mg/m3)区分布范围极小,一般占总调查面积的1%~4%.东海北部近海125°00'E以西,29°30'N以北水域生物量季节变化最明显.饵料浮游动物生物量平面分布取决于甲壳动物丰度的分布.饵料浮游动物生物量与鳀鱼中心渔场及其仔、稚鱼高密集区分布存在着较好的对应关系,春季鳀鱼中心渔场(>100kg/h1)和仔、稚鱼高密集区(≥100尾/网)位于东海中南部(28°00'~29°30'N)饵料浮游动物最高生物量(100~250mg/m3)密集区内或边缘水域.Abstract: Based on 4 cruises seasonal data of comprehensive oceanographic investigation during October.1997 to March 2000 in the East China Sea(23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E) the research was focused on analyzing and approached dynamic of quantitative temporal and spatial distribution of total biomass of zooplankton and the relationship of fishing grounds of anchovy(Engraulis japoicus).The study results show the seasonal mean value of total biomass of zooplankton(65.32 mg/m3) only.Among them total biomass in autumn(86.18 mg/m3) is greater than in summer(69.18 mg/m3) greater than in spring(55.67 mg/m3) greater than in winter(50.33 mg/m3);average value of diet biomass of zooplankton is 40.9 mg/m3 which is about 60% of total biomass of zooplankton.Among them,total biomass in autumn(56.84 mg/m3) is greater than in summer(46.10 mg/m3) greater than in winter (30.82 mg/m3) greater than in spring(29.82 mg/m3).Total biomass distribution trends toward to similar with diet biomass.Distribution scale of high biomass(200~500 mg/m3) is minimum,which is only about 1%~4% of the whole surveying area.Seasonal variation of biomass in the coastal water of the East China Sea is obviously(west of 125°E,norther n part of 29°N).The distributio n of diet zooplankton biomass depends on distribution of abundance of crustacean.The diet zooplankton biomass is related to the center fishing ground of Anchovy(Engraulis japonicus) and its larvae and young fish.In spring,the center fishing ground of Engranlis japonicus(>100 kg/h) and its high concentration area are located at high concentration area of the highest zone of zooplankton of south region and central region.
Key words:
- zooplankton /
- total biomass /
- diet biomass /
- East China Sea /
- Engraulis japonicus ground
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