The content of rare earth elements in benthic organisms from the Xiamen Bay and their distribution and environmental implications
摘要: 用ICP-MS法测定了厦门湾及邻近海域底栖大型藻类、软体动物、节肢动物中15种稀土元素的含量,研究了底栖生物稀土元素的组成及其分布与生态环境意义.结果表明,大型藻类稀土含量介于0.780~49.1μg/g,其中绿藻类的稀土总量最高,平均为24.3μg/g.软体动物稀土元素含量在0.365~21.6μg/g,以双壳类的稀土总量最高,平均为12.9μg/g.节肢动物稀土元素含量最低,范围是0.154~0.807μg/g.各类底栖生物的稀土配分特征总体上都表现为轻稀土元素的富集,其中铈、镧、钕在总稀土元素中所占的比例较高.多数底栖生物的北美页岩归一化稀土元素分布模式具4分组效应,但不同类别之间存在一定差异.底栖生物稀土元素含量及其分布模式表现出种类之间及地理分布上的差异,这对生态环境监测中种类的选取具有重要指导意义.Abstract: Fifteen rare earth elements (REEs) in benthic seaweeds, molluscs and arthropods(mainly crustaceans) from the Xiamen Bay and adjacent waters w ere determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) in order to study the REE distribution and their environmental implications.The results show that the total REE contents in seaweeds vary between 0.780~49.1μg/g and the highest REE content is found in green seaweeds with an average of 24.3μg/g.The contents of REE in molluscs are between 0.365~21.6μg/g and the bivalves show the higher REE content than gastropods, with an average of 12.9μg/g.The contents of REE in art hropods are relatively low and range from 0.154 to 0.807μg/g.Enrichment of light REE (LREE) over heavy REEs (HREE) was observed for all benthic or ganisms, which suggested higher biological effects of LREE than those of heavy REEs.The NASC-normalized distribution pattern of REE for most benthic or ganisms showed a W-type tetrad effect, while small differences were observed for different biological groups.The significance of taxonomic and geographic variation in contents and distribution patterns of REE in benthic or ganisms for ecological environmental monitoring was discussed.
Key words:
- REEs /
- seaweeds /
- molluscs /
- arthropods /
- Xiamen Bay
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