Testing study on desalination role of the gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea by the centrifugal rotational speed
摘要: 通过实验室离心实验,研究了离心转速对渤海灰白冰脱盐、脱盐效果以及主要超标水质参数的影响.实验结果表明,在实验条件相同的情况下,离心转速的变化对灰白冰的脱盐、脱盐效果均有显著影响.离心转速达到2000r/min左右时,脱盐冰的全盐量基本降到标准要求.实验中,灰白冰的离心脱盐率保持在较高的水平,一般可达80%~90%以上,在3000~4000r/min离心转速时,渤海灰白冰脱盐率最大,可达到90 96%.离心转速的变化对灰白冰中主要超标物质的去除有不同程度的影响,其中硫酸盐含量变化幅度最大,下降了73.19%~96.52%;盐度也有较大程度的降低,但降低幅度小于硫酸盐,降幅在71.86%~93.55%之间.pH值没有发生恶化,保持在7.5左右.因此,离心转速是渤海灰白冰离心脱盐过程中的主要控制性因子之一.渤海灰白冰经过实验室离心脱盐后,全盐量等各项水质指标均可达到工农业生产和人们生活用水的指标要求.Abstract: Effect of centrifugal rotational speed on desalination and factors exceeded quality standard of gay-white ice in the Bohai Sea were studied by centrifugal experiments at the laboratory.The experimental results show that the effect of rotational speed variance on the desalination and its efficiency are obvious under the same experiment condition.When the rotational speed arrived at 2 000 r/min,the total salt of the desalted ice decreased basically to the standard value.The rate of desalination of gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea maintained higher level and commonly surpassed 80%~90%.When the centrifugal rotational speed was 3 000~4 000 r/min,the rate of desalination of gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea was maximum and its value was 90.96%.The removal of materials exceeded standard from gray-white ice was influenced in varying degrees by the variations in the centrifugal rotational speed. The sulfate content changed maximally and decreased by 73.19%~96.52%.The salinity also more decreased and had less decreased range than sulfate,the range was 71.86%~93.55%.pH value was not deteriorative after desalination and it maintained about 715.Therefore centrifugal rotational speed is one of major controlling parameters in the centrifugal desalting process of gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea.After gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea were desalted,such quality factors as salinity of desalted ice fulfil the needs of water for the industry and agriculture production and the people's living.
Key words:
- gray-white ice /
- centrifugal rotational speed /
- desalination /
- the Bohai Sea
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